Ben Susamam İtiraf Ediyorum

Mücahit Özcanan

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Love derives from those who suffer this pain. Therefore, another version of this consists of loving and loving, protecting, embracing and being side by side. Love is a trace of grief, a shadow of illness, a step of loneliness, a sign of understanding, a solution to a problem, a confusion awaiting resolution in every difficult and doubtful problem, a tiny light of an inextricable road sometimes and the breaking of souls and the unraveling of knots one by one. and when it comes to the end, it is a support of the moment and difficulty when time is already over and sometimes it is the collapse of the throne of a king who is destroyed. Everyone's loneliness is as much as the land they find suitable in their own mind. Some people love this land with the crowd, others love it with loneliness, and many people love this land without anyone or even living in it, but only with the fruit trees, grasses, plants and oak, willow or tall poplar trees they planted with their own hands that can grow in it. You evaluate this land as you want and direct yourself accordingly. The one who loves the crowd cannot come to loneliness and the field of his mind remains very narrow. He evaluates the terrain of his lonely mind and develops ideas in every possible way. Feel me talking to you; Feel that I touch your heart, that I want to listen to all your pain, that I look into all your eyes, look at you like a locked chest of secrets, and that I am waiting to keep your secrets and thus listen to you, just like a slave clings to a master and waits at your command. I know you are lonely; No matter how many people are around you, you may have broken someone's heart once or dozens of times, lied to someone, manipulated someone, defrauded someone, pretended to be different to someone, tried to make someone like you, pretended to like someone, thought someone was a friend, thought someone was an enemy and turned on someone. You wanted to escape, you wanted to trust someone, you desired someone, you waited for someone with your thousands of sorrows, you have been patient with someone's cruelty along with your many pains. Yes, you may have been left speechless and helpless by the cruel attitudes of your spouse, or perhaps someone from your closer family, and thus you may have lived together for years. What's all this going on? I feel that you have finally fallen into your own den with all your incidental ego and heart. Whatever you want to do, all you need is you and the person standing next to you.
Publication Date: 1 December 2018Publisher: Efe Akademi Yayınları
ISBN: 9786258418101Country: TürkiyeLanguage: Türkçe

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