Benlik - Bireysellik, Yaşam ve Ölüme Dair Antik ve Modern Görüşler

Richard Sorabji
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Drawing on Western and Eastern philosophies as well as classical Greek thought, Richard Sorabji explores the term "self" in Self, in addition to the question of whether the so-called individual self actually exists. It seeks an answer to the question of whether this thing is just a stream of consciousness. According to Sorabji, the self is not a spirit or ego whose location cannot be pinpointed, but an embodied individual whose existence is clearly visible. Therefore, according to him, "self" Unlike a mere stream of consciousness, it is an entity that has not only a consciousness but also a body. Sorabji uses the term "self" in the book. In addition to tracing the historical traces of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe self, it also examines the effects of these ideas about the self on the concepts of life and death and asks the reader the following questions: Should we be afraid of death? How should our individuality affect the way we live? In The Self, Sorabji authoritatively summarizes the views on the self of various schools of philosophy from East and West, introducing the reader to the "self" as a topic that will be at the forefront of future philosophical debates. It offers new horizons regarding.
Richard Sorabji
Richard Sorabji
Burcu Bora
Burcu Bora
Estimated Reading Time: 14 hrs. 51 min.Page Number: 524Publication Date: March 2022Publisher: Albaraka Yayınları
ISBN: 9786257312684Country: TürkiyeLanguage: Türkçe

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