Bir Nefeste Evren

Colin Stuart

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8.6Out of 10
31 People · 4 Review
240 syf.
Not rated
Hayal sınırlarımızı aşan büyük bir evrende yaşıyoruz. Hatta dünyamız evrende çöldeki bir kum tanesi hükmünde desek teşbihte hata yapmış olmayız sanırım. 93 milyar ışık yılı genişliğindeki uzayı keşfe hazır mısınız? Evimizin kapısını açıp dışarı çıkma vakti. Keşfe dünyamızdan başlayıp, güneş sistemine uğrayıp, diğer galaksilere doğru yolculuğa devam edeceğiz. Verilen bilgiler görsellerle desteklenerek yolculuk daha kolay ve keyifli hale getirilmiş. Yıldızlara bakarken keyif alıyorsanız, evrende neler olup bittiğini merak ediyorsanız tam da sizin için yazılmış bir kitap.
Bir Nefeste Evren
Bir Nefeste EvrenColin Stuart · Maya Kitap Yayınları · 202087 okunma
240 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Read in 26 hours
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
It is unknown how many breaths are needed to describe the universe, but when the formation of the universe is considered, the length of a human life may not even be considered a breath time. If you are interested in astronomy and want to gain basic knowledge, but also want to read something about the history of science, this book may be the right place. The book, which consists of six chapters, describes the universe from this speck of dust we are in, starting from the early periods of astronomy and extending to the Sun, Earth and Moon, the Solar system, stars, galaxies and the universe. A wonderful journey awaits the reader. Let me add here something that comes to my mind when astronomy is mentioned. Carl Sagan's "Pale Blue Dot" I recommend you to listen to the audio recording on YouTube; Of course, along with the story of this naming.
Bir Nefeste Evren
Bir Nefeste EvrenColin Stuart · Maya Kitap Yayınları · 202087 okunma
240 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
Read in 12 days
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
We are insignificant beings of almost nothing size, living under the stars shining in the cold, dark, frightening void above our heads that is not a void. No matter how difficult it is to understand the universe, which contains all the mystery and perfection of existence, we must fight until the end to do this. That's exactly why I love reading popular science books and watching documentaries about the universe from time to time and whenever I get the chance. The Universe in a Breath begins by touching on the brief history of cosmology. Many masters such as Bruno, Copernicus, Newton and Einstein are mentioned here and brief information is given about them. From here we move on to the Solar system, and while very good information is given about almost every planet, satellite and object in the system, up to the Oort cloud, this section cannot end without saluting the hypothetical planet x. Even though things get a little complicated in the parts about stars and galaxies, the simplicity and simplicity of the narrative continues. In fact, when it comes to interstellar space, even the simplest narrative source will not be able to avoid becoming complicated, as the distances exceed mental measurements and our perception of time will become strange. This is also quite natural. Things get a little heated in the last chapter, which is the heart of the book and gives a general picture of the entire universe, like a theory of everything. Technical explanation is at the highest level. At this point, I believe that especially the concepts of cosmic background wave radiation and inflation are not explained very well. But overall, I can say that it was an instructive work that was enjoyable to read. Have a good read, my dear astronomy-loving friends.
Bir Nefeste Evren
Bir Nefeste EvrenColin Stuart · Maya Kitap Yayınları · 202087 okunma
240 syf.
Not rated
Read in 3 days
Kapı deliğinden evrene minik bir bakış atmak... Kitabın yarattığı his tam olarak bu. Güneş sistemleri, galaksiler, kara delikler, gezegenler, yıldızlar... Gökyüzüne bakıp acaba oralarda neler oluyor diye düşünmekten kendini alamayanlar ama birden çuval çuval akademik bilginin altında kalmak da istemeyenler için, yormadan, sıkmadan bir nefeste anlatmaya başlıyor evreni! Evet sadece başlangıç belki ama oldukça keyifli bir kaç adım. Gökyüzü sevenlerin, ara sıra uzay aklına düşenlerin okumaktan keyif alabileceği bir kitap. Bir Nefeste Evren
Bir Nefeste Evren
Bir Nefeste EvrenColin Stuart · Maya Kitap Yayınları · 202087 okunma