Bize Çıkan Yollar

David Levithan

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“I left some clues for you. If you want to see it, turn the page. If you don't want it, please leave the notebook behind." At the urging of her brother, who is unlucky in love, sixteen-year-old Lily leaves her red notebook on the shelf of her favorite bookstore and waits for the right man to fulfill the courageous tasks she wrote in it. Curious and cynical Dash, who's in a bad mood because of Christmas, isn't one to shy away from tasks like this... and the Challenge Book is the perfect excuse to clear his head. The stormy romance in their story, which begins with a notebook, will be the scene of Dash and Lily's dreams, desires and challenging each other, and the red notebook will be passed from hand to hand to the remotest corners of New York. So, will their real-life personalities adapt as well as their notebook personalities, or will the adventure that begins on the pages end in a terrible disaster straight out of a comedy movie? “It encourages readers to immediately pick up a notebook and fill out its pages to find a potential lover. "It's not the kind of book that will gather dust on a shelf." -School Library Journal- “A book full of interesting characters, wry humor and happy coincidences. "It's so funny you won't be able to put it down." -The Guardian- “Cohn and Levithan duo have written a familiar but entertaining story in this winter-themed book. "They thrill readers with the promise of true romance, and as with her previous books, there are plenty of surprises to keep the reader intrigued." -Publishers Weekly- “A cynical hipster love story combines with an ironic Christmas romance in this two-author tale. "It's the story of a couple who are a little strange, but whose reality you have no doubt about." -Kirkus Reviews- “Funny, clever and touching. It satisfies the reader with a creative ending.” -Children's Literature- “When I finished the book, I was sitting there with a big, satisfied smile on my face.” -YA Crush- (From the Promotional Bulletin)
Rachel Cohn
Rachel Cohn
Gizem Yeşildal
Gizem Yeşildal
Estimated Reading Time: 8 hrs. 37 min.Page Number: 304Publication Date: December 2017Publisher: Pegasus Yayınları
ISBN: 9786052993668Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

Book Statistics

Reader Profile of the Book

Kadın% 92.7
Erkek% 7.3
0-12 Yaş
13-17 Yaş
18-24 Yaş
25-34 Yaş
35-44 Yaş
45-54 Yaş
55-64 Yaş
65+ Yaş

About the Author

David Levithan
David LevithanYazar · 14 books
New York Times çoksatanları arasına giren her gün; Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playist, Rachel Cohn’la kaleme aldığı Dash & Lily’s Book of Dares ve John Green’le kaleme aldığı Tek İsim, Tek Kader kitaplarının bol ödüllü yazarı, aynı zamanda New York’ta bir yayınevinin çocuk kitapları editörüdür. Hoboken, New Jersey’de yaşamaktadır.