Bless Me, Ultima

Rudolfo Anaya

About Bless Me, Ultima

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This coming-of-age classic and the bestselling Chicano novel of all time follows a young boy as he questions his faith and beliefs -- now one of PBS's "100 Great American Reads." Antonio Marez is six years old when Ultima comes to stay with his family in New Mexico. She is a curandera, one who cures with herbs and magic. Under her wise wing, Tony will probe the family ties that bind and rend him, and he will discover himself in the magical secrets of the pagan past--a mythic legacy as palpable as the Catholicism of Latin America. And at each life turn there is Ultima, who delivered Tony into the world...and will nurture the birth of his soul. The winner of the 2015 National Humanities Medal, Rudolfo Anaya is acclaimed as the father of Chicano literature in English and for his rich and compassionate writing about the Mexican-American experience.
Estimated Reading Time: 7 hrs. 42 min.Page Number: 272Publication Date: 1 January 1994Publisher: Warner
ISBN: 9780446600255Language: EnglishFormat: Karton kapak

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About the Author

Rudolfo Anaya
Rudolfo AnayaYazar · 3 books
1937'de New Mexi­co, Las Pastu­ras’­ta doğdu. Dev­­let okul­la­rın­da öğ­ret­men­lik ya­par­ken yaz­ma­ya baş­la­dı. İlk kitabı Kut­sa Be­ni, Ul­ti­ma ile 1971’­de Quin­to Sol Ulu­sal Chi­ca­no Ede­bi­yat Ödü­lü’­nü ka­zan­dı. Da­ha son­ra Al­burquerque ile PEN Center’­in roman da­lın­da­ki ödü­lü­nü al­dı. New Mexi­co Üni­ver­si­te­si İngi­liz­ce profe­sör­lü­ğün­den emek­li olan Anaya’­nın di­ğer ya­pıt­la­rı ara­sın­da Zia Sum­mer, Rio Gran­de Fall ve Sha­man Win­ter bulunmaktadır.