Blood to Dust

L. J. Shen

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8/10 puan verdi
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Every book I read from this author makes me feel different emotions and I love that! ‘Blood to Dust’ was different from her other books I’ve read: it was more violent, bloody and hardcore! Prescott is a rich man’s daughter who ends up meeting with very wrong people and suffers a lot. When she decides to take revenge from them, she gets caught and
Blood to Dust
Blood to DustL. J. Shen · 20163 okunma
“All you need to know about life is that it’s just like an hourglass. Sometimes you’re down, and sometimes, up.”
“Some people collect stamps. Some coins. Taxidermy. Fucking cards. I collect regrets. They don’t take up much space, not physically, anyway. But inside. . .they occupy. They eat away. They ruin. Because that’s the thing about regrets. They’re mistakes that left scars. Vicious, sensitive, searing wounds.”
“Broken people do things better; we learned how to make it in life without the missing parts other people have. Because when you’re in the dark, you appreciate everything that shines.”