Brain Droppings

George Carlin

Brain Droppings Sözleri ve Alıntıları

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Don't you get tired of celebrities who explain their charity work by saying they feel they have to "give something back." I don't feel that way. I didn't take nothin'. You can search my house; I didn't take a thing. Everything I got, I worked for, and it was given to me freely. You celebrity people wanna give something back? How about giving back half the money? Or a couple of those houses?
-What do you wanna be in the future sweat-heart? +Waste, sir!
What bothers me is all this mindless, middlebrow bullshit about children being "our future." So, what's new? Children have always, technically, represented our future. But what does that mean? What is so important about knowing that children are our future? Life as it is right now - today's reality in this county - people lying on the streets and park benches, living in the dysfunctional homes, the drunks and neurotic shoppers, these people were all once children described as "our future." So, this is it, folks. Type is what the system produces. The adults you see today are what kids become. I'd anything really gün to make it any different? To me, they're just another crop of kids waiting to become wage slaves and good little consumers. You know what I see when look at today's kids? Tomorrow's fucked-up adults.
Zorunlu olmayan sayıları çöpe atın: yaş, kilo, boy. Doktorunuz düşünsün onları.... Bunun için ücret alıyor sizden. Sadece neşeli arkadaşlarınız olsun. Suratsızlar, negatifler sizi aşağı çeker. Öğrenmeyi sürdürün: Bilgisayar, el sanatları, bahçecilik, ne olursa. Beyniniz âtıl kalmasın. Âtıl kafa, iblisin tezgâhıdır. İblisin adı da,
Two other things that contribute to violence are religion and government, because they seek to repress and regulate natural impulses like sex and self-gratification. Of course, the two of them will always try to scapegoat movies and television. The truth is, no one knows enough or cares enough to stop the real violence, so their answer is to tone down the pretend violence. It’s superstition: “Maybe if we tone down the pretend violence, the real violence will go away. Or not seem so bad.”
“Büyük gruplar halindeki aptal insanların gücünü hafife almayın.”
"Bir kişinin el altından çevireceği tek bir işlemle milyonlarca insanın ölümüne neden olabileceği veya bir şehri yıllarca girilmez hale getirebileceği bir çağa giriyoruz." - Fizikçi Mar­tin Rees Teknoloji­mizin ulaştığı gücü düşününce, gelecekte şehadet heveslilerinin iyi komşudan sayılmayacağını görmek zor değil. Çok basit bir ifadeyle, efsanelerimize inanma lüksümüz kalmadı artık.
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