Breakfast at Tiffany's

Truman Capote

Breakfast at Tiffany's Quotes

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I've walked these streets for ten or twelve years. I look for her all the time and I never see her... Do you think I'm crazy?"
and all the best people areKitabı okudu
The room was a mess but Holly was perfect. "Listen," she said, and put her hand on my face. "I'm happy about the story. I really am." That was a beautiful Monday in October 1943.
I understood her and she understood me. We didn't need words. We were happy to be together, sometimes in silence.
I'll come back and find your cat. I'll look after him, too. I promise. She smiled - that sad new smile. "And me?" she asked quietly. "Who will look after me? I'm very scared, darling. For the first time, I'm really scared. This will happen again and again. I never know what's mine. Not until I throw it away.
Sometimes we did spend a lot of time together but in reality the memory is a lie.
was a lieKitabı okudu
It's better to have a terrible painful sickness than a dishonest heart.
You can love someone but not want them in that way. You stay strangers, strangers who are friends.
''you call yourself a free spirit, a wild thing, and you're terrified somebody's going to stick you in a cage. well, baby, you're already in that cage. you built it yourself.''
balık burcu :
"If you know so much, where is she?" Joe asked. Dead. Or in a hospital for crazy people. Or married.
"There're so few things men can talk about. If a man doesn't like baseball, then he must like horses, and if he doesn't like either of them, well, I'm in trouble anyway: he don't like girls."
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