Bu Ne Biçim Cumartesi

Suat Köçer

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Bu Ne Biçim Cumartesi, dünyaya farklı açılardan bakan insanların hayata tutunma çabalarını anlatan hikâyelerden oluşuyor. Her biri kendi kişisel serüveninde yol alan kahramanların dünyalarından kesitler sunan yazar, toplumsal bazı sorunlara bireylerin kişisel tecrübeleri üzerinden göndermelerde bulunuyor. Kitap, ‘Taş’, ‘Gerçeğin Peşinde’, ‘Muharrem’, ‘Bu Ne Biçim Cumartesi’, ‘Hasibe’nin Rüyası’ ve ‘Kırmızı Gül Demet Demet’ isimli 6 hikâyeden oluşuyor.
Suat Köçer
Suat Köçer
Estimated Reading Time: 3 hrs. 48 min.Page Number: 134Publication Date: 2011Publisher: Sepya Kitaplar
ISBN: 9786054181001Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

About the Author

Suat Köçer
Suat KöçerYazar · 2 books
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Suat Köçer was born in Erzurum in 1980. He started his writing adventure by writing stories during his secondary school years and continued in Istanbul since 2002. After his articles on culture and arts in various national magazines, he turned completely to cinema. His criticisms, research-reviews and interviews based on Turkish Cinema were published in national newspapers and magazines. He founded Film Arası cinema magazine in August 2010. His articles and interviews were published in Film Arası, he prepared and presented the TV program Film Arası, which was broadcast weekly on TRT Türk, and then he worked as a cinema writer in Yeni Şafak Newspaper for five years. Suat Köçer, who works as a consultant in the field of cinema for various public institutions and organizations and served as the director of the Malatya International Film Festival, which he took over in 2017, for two years, prepares and presents the cinema program called Sormasam Olmaz on TVNET television. Köçer works as a consultant in the field of cinema for various public institutions and organizations.