Büyük Umutlar

Charles Dickens

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“Sen şimdi yarın sabah erkenden bana bir eğe ile biraz kumanya getireceksin. Topunu birden alıp bana, şu karşıki eski cephaneliğe getireceksin. Bu dediklerimi yapar da ağzını açıp kimselere şöyle bir adam gördüm demezsen, değil beni, başka hiç kimseyi gördüğünü kimseye belli etmez, çıt çıkar mazsan, canını bağışlarım senin. Yok hele becerme dedikle rimi, ya da şu sözlerimden biraz dışarı çık, istersen şu kadarcık bile çıkayım de, o zaman yüreğinle ciğerin deşilip kebap edilerek yenecek. Şimdi sen beni yalnız sanırsın, illevelakin, işin aslı öyle değil. Benimle birlikte gizli genç bir bey var ki, Allah vermeye, onun yanı sıra, hani ben zemzemle yıkanmış gibi kalırım. Benim bu ettiğim lafları işitiyor şimdi o genç bey. Kendine has bir usulü vardır o beyin kendisinin, oğlan çocuk ların yüreğini, ciğerini deşip çıkarmakta birebirdir. Ondan saklanmaya çalışmak da boşunadır. İstediğin kadar kapını kilitle, sıcacık yatağına gir yat; hatta istersen büzül iyice, yor ganı başına çek...
Göksu Birol
Göksu Birol
Estimated Reading Time: 10 hrs. 44 min.Page Number: 379Publication Date: April 2019First Publication Date: 1861Publisher: Dorlion Yayınevi
ISBN: 9786052493540Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

Book Statistics

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About the Author

Charles Dickens
Charles DickensYazar · 78 books
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Charles Dickens (7 February 1812 – 9 June 1870) was an English writer. Born in 1812 as the son of a civil servant father, Dickens' early years were prosperous, but he met misery when his father was imprisoned for his debts. He had to work in a paint factory when he was only 11 years old. Young Dickens, who joined a lawyer at the age of 15, learned shorthand in his spare time because he was curious about learning. In 1835, he joined the Morning Chronicle newspaper as a stenographer, and in 1835, under the pseudonym 'Boz', he began to publish notes under the title Boz's Scribbles. In 1837, he published the book The Adventures of Mr. Pikvik, which would make him famous. He married Catherine Hogarth in the same year. In 1840, he published the novel The Antique Shop, which he dedicated to his sister-in-law Mary, who died. In 1840 he went to America, where he was received with great enthusiasm, but his American Notes for the General Reader provoked violent reactions from those who had so warmly welcomed him. Dickens, who traveled extensively between 1843 and 1846, had the opportunity to meet famous writers of the period during these travels. During this period, he again published the Daily News newspaper and Household Words magazine. Dickens, who separated from his wife in 1858, traveled frequently and gave conferences from this period onwards. But eventually he got too tired and had to retire to his home in Gadshill. He died in 1870, at the peak of his fame. His grave is in Westminster Church, London.