Toplu Şiirler 1969-2019

Büyü’sün, Yaz!

Hilmi Yavuz

Büyü’sün, Yaz! Reviews

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8.4Out of 10
54 People · 4 Review
444 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
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"Hüzün, ömrümün öznesi."
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"I am a rose now for his own safety to turn it into a love poem I'm a judgmental poet, that's what I do!” Hilmi Yavuz wrote his poems through images with the contribution of his philosophical personality. There were certain images he used and it was necessary to read his poems several times to understand them, and each time I read them, I
Büyü'sün Yaz!
Büyü'sün Yaz!Hilmi Yavuz · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 2006264 okunma
444 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Büyüsün Yaz-Hilmi Yavuz
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Hilmi Yavuz is my go-to writer. Master poet, whose books I try to read not once a day or a semester, but several times a week. I can say that I will never let go of his books. I always try to read a few poems, especially Let It Grow Up, before I go to sleep. Poems that are well brewed and touch our souls with a spring breeze.
Büyü'sün Yaz!
Büyü'sün Yaz!Hilmi Yavuz · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 2006264 okunma
444 syf.
Not rated
Büyüsün Yaz
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In my opinion, poems about Bedreddin should be considered among the most distinguished poems of Turkish poetry. The poet has embraced the future with these poems, many poems die before they are born. Poems about Bedreddin are like a never-ending journey of a dervish coming from a long way. Halit Aslan please sit down my sheikh Lay down on the warm cedar of the Milky Ways tall, magnificent and sophisticate turn your face towards us give us the fire of wheat grooming of eyes and tell about the income of sadness Hilmi Yavuz
Büyü'sün Yaz!
Büyü'sün Yaz!Hilmi Yavuz · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 2006264 okunma