

Candide Posts

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"Let us work," said Martin, "without disputing; it is the only way to render life tolerable."
Sayfa 197 - PergaminoKitabı okudu
A hundred times I was upon the point of killing myself; but still I loved life. This ridiculous foible is perhaps one of our most fatal characteristics; for is there anything more absurd than to wish to carry continually a burden which one can always throw down? to detest existence and yet to cling to one's existence? in brief, to caress the serpent which devours us, till he has eaten our very heart?
Sayfa 62 - PergaminoKitabı okudu
If this is the best of possible worlds, what then are the others?
Sayfa 34 - PergaminoKitabı okudu
"Mankind have a little corrupted nature, for they were not born wolves, and they have become wolves; God has given them neither cannon of four-and-twenty pounders, nor bayonets; and yet they have made cannon and bayonets to destroy one another"
Sayfa 25 - PergaminoKitabı okudu
"...zaten bireysel mutsuzluklar genel iyilikleri oluşturur, öyle ki ne kadar çok mutsuz birey varsa her şey o kadar iyidir."
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