Çelik Zırh - Başlangıç

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Çelik Zırh - Başlangıç Reviews

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1Out of 10
1 People · 1 Review
112 syf.
1/10 puan verdi
Read in 6 days
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The book was probably written by a primary school child. The language is simple, the fiction is full of logical errors. Everything is absurd. I was torn between gritting my teeth and laughing because of its evil. There are a lot of good books, for God's sake, don't do it, don't buy them, don't let them read them. My brain is crying.
Çelik Zırh - Başlangıç
Çelik Zırh - BaşlangıçDoğukan Çelik · Cinius Yayınları · 20161 okunma