Casteel Serisi 1


V. C. Andrews

Cennet Quotes

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O gece ağlamayı bıraktım. O ana kadar akıttığım gözyaşları bir yarar sağlamamıştı.
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Ve sonunda bir gün oralara gittiğimizde kendimizi yabancı gibi duyumsamayacağımızı biliyorduk. Çünkü kitaplarla oralara gitmiş gibi olmuştuk.
“İşte yaşam böyle sıkı esen rüzgarlara göğüs gerebilmedir.”
Sayfa 199 - İnkılâp KitabeviKitabı okudu
Cal was seeing something beautiful written on my face, as if my very youth and inexperience made him feel ten times more a man than Kitty did.
Sayfa 267Kitabı okudu
It is not only a cry
It seemed I was always crying for what I’d had once and lost.
Sayfa 313Kitabı okudu
‘I’ll just have what the rest of you does,’ muttered Grandpa, appearing overwhelmed and ill at ease. He kept trying to hide his mouth with his hand, afraid others would see his missing teeth, his watery eyes still downcast, as if still awed to be seated where he was.
Sayfa 143Kitabı okudu
Standing firm -not against - with the wind
Stop crying and accept what can’t be changed. That’s what life is about, standing firm against the wind.
Sayfa 169Kitabı okudu
Like many ignorant people, to Pa apperance meant more than content.
Sayfa 161Kitabı okudu
“ now smile, act happy, for boys don’t like girls with too many problems.”
Men are men
They want ya, can’t leave ya alone, but when they got ya, they wish they didn’t have ya, or worse than anything, wish they didn’t need ya. So they go around thinking they can find another woman who’s different.
Sayfa 232Kitabı okudu