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Clinically Oriented Anatomy

Keith Leon Moore

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Hiç kimse başarı merdivenlerini elleri cebinde tırmanmamıştır.
Cirrhosis of liver
The liver is the primary site for detoxification of substances absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract; thus, it is vulnerable to cellular damage and consequent scarring, accompanied by regenerative nodules. There is progressive destruction of hepatocytes in hepatic cirrhosis and replacement of these cells by fat and fibrous tissue. Although many industrial solvents, such as carbon tetrachloride, produce cirrhosis, the condition develops most frequently in persons suffering from chronic alcoholism.
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Love your liver!
The liver is the largest gland in the body and, after the skin, the largest single organ. It weighs approximately 1,500 g and accounts for approximately 2.5% of adult body weight. In a mature fetus -when it serves as a hematopoietic (producing blood cells) organ- it is proportionately twice as large (5% of body weight).
Sayfa 491
Prenatally, the spleen is a hematopoietic (blood-forming) organ, but after birth, it is involved primarily in identifying, removing, and destroying expended red blood cells (RBCs) and broken-down platelets and in recycling iron and globin. The spleen serves as a blood reservoir, storing RBCs and platelets, and, to a limited degree, can provide a sort of "self-transfusion" as a response to the stress imposed by hemorrhage. In spite of its size and the many useful and important functions ot provides, it is not a vital organ (not necessary to sustain life).
Sayfa 487
The spleen is an ovoid, usually purplish, pulpy mass about the size and shape of one's fist. It is relatively delicate and considered the most vulnerable abdominal organ... As the largest of the lymphatic organs, it participates in the body's defense system as a site of lymphocyte (white blood cell) proliferation and of immune surveillance and response.
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Colorectal cancer
Most tumors of the large intestine occur in the sigmoid colon and rectum (often near the rectosigmoid junction) or ascending colon. Colorectal cancers have different characteristics based on their location within the colon or rectum. For example, tumors in the ascending colon are more common among women and older patients whereas rectosigmoidal tumors are more common among men and younger patients. Cancers of the transverse or descending colon are less common.
Sayfa 484
Acute infection of the appendix may result in thrombosis (clotting of blood) in the appendicular artery, which often results in ischemia, gangrene (death of tissue), and perforation of an inflamed appendix. Rupture of the appendix results in infection of the peritoneum (peritonitis), increased abdominal pain, nausea and/or vomiting, and abdominal rigidity (stiffness of abdominal muscles). Flexion of the right thigh ameliorates the pain because it causes relaxation of the right psoas muscle, a flexor of the thigh.
Sayfa 483
Acute inflammation of the appendix, "appendicitis", is a common cause of an acute abdomen (severe abdominal pain arising suddenly). Usually, digital pressure over the McBurney point registers maximum abdominal tenderness. Appendicitis in young people is usually caused by hyperplasia of lymphatic follicles in the appendix that occludes the lumen. In older people, the obstruction usually results from a 'fecalith' (coprolith), a concretion that forms around a center of fecal matter. When secretions from the appendix cannot escape, the appendix swells, stretching the visceral peritoneum. The pain of appendicitis usually commences as a vague pain in the peri-umbilical region because afferent pain fibers enter the spinal cord at the T10 level. Later, severe pain in the right lower quadrant results from irritation of the parietal peritoneum lining the posterior abdominal wall (usually formed by the psoas and iliacus muscles in the region of the appendix). Thus, extending the thigh at the hip joint may elicit pain.
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Gastric ulcers
Most ulcers of the stomach (gastric ulcers) and duodenum are associated with an infection of a specific bacterium, "Helicobacter pylori" (H. pylori). People experiencing severe chronic anxiety are most prone to development of peptic ulcers. They often have gastric acid secretion rates that are markedly higher than normal between meals. It is thought that the high acid in the stomach and duodenum overwhelms the bicarbonate normally produced by the duodenum and reduces the effectiveness of the mucous lining, leaving it vulnerable to H. pylori. The bacteria erode the protective mucous lining of the stomach, inflaming the mucosa and making it vulnerable to the effects of the gastric acid and digestive enzymes (pepsin) produced by the stomach.
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Spasmodic contraction of the pylorus sometimes occurs in infants, usually between 2 and 12 weeks of age. Pylorospasm is characterized by failure of the smooth muscle fibers encircling the pyloric canal to relax normally. As a result, food does not pass easily from the stomach into the duodenum and the stomach becomes overly full, usually resulting in discomfort and vomiting.
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