The Untold Story of Canada's Greatest Spy

Cracking the Nazi Code

Jason Bell

Cracking the Nazi Code Quotes

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The hope that had made the deprivations of the war bearable, explained the journalist Sebastian Haffner (who experienced the events in Berlin at first hand), was the constant reassurance that Germany was about to win. The shocking revelation that Germany had lost was scarcely understandable. Haffner, who was eleven on the day the Armistice took effect, entered a deep depression. “Where could one find stability and security, faith and confidence, if world events could be so deceptive? If triumph upon triumph led to ultimate disaster, and the true rules of history were revealed only retrospectively in a shattering outcome? I stared into the abyss.” He wasn’t the only one. Adolf Hitler recounted a similar bewilderment at the news, but a more dramatic outcome, as he buried his “burning head in the sheets and pillows."
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The conditions for the Ottoman minorities soon changed drastically during the war, when the empire committed genocide against its own Greeks and Armenians.
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Bell knew that before Schenck’s spring 1919 matchmaking, the nationalists and the socialists were less like oil and water that could not mix and more like sodium and water that exploded when they touched. When they had been at each other’s throats, each weakened the other, and German democracy stayed in the driver’s seat. United, the terrorists outgunned the democrats. Yet they were still no match for the Allies, so they kept themselves secret.
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Modern philosophy and science, from the seventeenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century, had fallen into the bad habit of collapsing the rich complexity of experience to simple schemes, which gave the comfortable illusion of a complete description. These systems diminished the interesting diversity of life to something simple and uninteresting, as when an artistic creation is dismissed, for instance, by claiming it is actually nothing but a utilitarian example of how all human behaviour is motivated by attraction to pleasure and aversion to pain, or just another example of Sigmund Freud’s reduction of childhood to frustrated sexual attraction to parents.
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Germany, Hitler urged in his Gemlich letter, needed to become a dictatorship to rid the country of the Jewish “racial tuberculosis.” Several years later, in Mein Kampf, he compared Jews to “bacteria” and suggested Nazism as an antibiotic. The supposedly medical language was part of his code for mass murder. Once again, Hitler was not being original. Talaat Pasha had spoken in the same way during the Ottoman genocides, when mass killings were referred to as sanitation.
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Bell was the first known person to warn against the Nazis’ deadliest plots, and he did it twice. In the spring of 1919, he was the first intelligence agent to warn about the National Socialists and their plan for the Second World War. This was a year before the Kapp Putsch attempted to overthrow the Weimar Republic and take over Germany, and years before people first referred to supporters of National Socialism as Nazis.
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