Dağ Adamı

Jack London

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Usta yazar Jack London bu eserinde masumiyetin bir tablosunu çizerken bitmeyen hileleriyle her yerde olduğu gibi boks dünyasında da neler yaşandığını anlatıyor. Ama iyiliğin gücünü o güçlü kalemiyle bize hissettirerek… Pat Glendon genç, iri vücutlu, dağlarda büyüyen birisiydi. Babasının hayalleri vardı. Kendisi şampiyon olamamıştı ama oğlundan umutluydu. Ona her şeyi öğretti. Boksörlüğün teknik tarafında, genç adamın gücünde hiçbir eksiklik yoktu. Her şey tamdı, ama bir şey eksikti; hilebazlık, kötülük. Bu dünya çirkin işlerle, hilelerle dolu bir dünyaydı. Nice boksör menajerlerin, organizatörlerin, bahisçilerin oyuncağı olmuş, tek amaçları para kazanmaya dönüşmüştü. Oysa boks güzel bir spor, izleyene zevk verecek, çok heyecanlar yaşatacak bir oyundu. Pat Glendon bunları düşünüyordu; çünkü o işin sadece spor tarafıyla ilgileniyor, babasının umudunu yaşamak, şampiyon olmak sonra da evine yani dağlarına geri dönmek istiyordu. Bir hedefi daha vardı; o da aşkını, hayatının kadınını bulmaktı. Bundan da hiç şüphesi yoktu. İçinde utangaç bir çocuk vardı; kirlenmemiş, sahtekârlık nedir bilmeyen, namusuyla yaşayıp doğayla içi içe olmak dışında başka bir zevk aramayan.
Jack London
Jack London
Publication Date: May 2020Publisher: Paris Yayınları
ISBN: 9786056887277Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

Book Statistics

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Kadın% 47.1
Erkek% 52.9
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55-64 Yaş
65+ Yaş

About the Author

Jack London
Jack LondonYazar · 120 books
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
He was born on January 12, 1876 in San Francisco. His real name is John Griffith Chaney. Born out of wedlock, Jack London took his surname from the war veteran named John London, whom his mother married when he was only eight months old. Due to financial difficulties, he left school at a young age and worked in various jobs such as newspaper salesman, crewman, fisherman, oyster pirate, journalist, coast guard patrolman, and got to know the American working class. In 1894, he was imprisoned for thirty days on charges of vagrancy. After being released from prison, he enrolled in high school with the desire to change his life. He completed his high school education in one year and entered the University of California in 1896. He left the university, where he studied for a period, due to financial difficulties. In 1897, he joined the gold seekers in the Klondike region, but he returned a year later, again poor and unemployed. He decided to try his luck in writing by preparing an intense work schedule. He began to write sonnets, ballads, witty jokes, anecdotes, stories of horror and adventure. Martin Eden, which he wrote in 1909, has autobiographical traces as it reflects this period. His first book, Wolf Spawn (1900), was met with great interest. In the same year, he married Elisabeth Maddern and had two daughters from this marriage. However, this union did not last long and ended in 1904. He died on his farm in California in 1916, after his second marriage to Charmian Kittredge. London wrote nearly fifty books throughout his writing career and became one of the most read authors of his time. His writings were shaped around his experiences, and he reached a socialist worldview with the influence of socialism. His major works include White Fang, Martin Eden, Men of the Abyss, The Call of the Wild.