Ravenswood #1.5

Damage Goods

Talia Hibbert

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Second chances shouldn't be this sinful. Laura Burne‘s husband is a monster, her diamond ring is a trap, and her pregnancy is the push she needs to finally escape. She runs away seeking safety… and finds Samir Bianchi, her long-lost teenage sweetheart. With his kind eyes and dirty smile, Samir’s still hot as hell—and he still treats Laura like a goddess, baby bump and all. The wild boy she spent one magical summer with is every inch a man, and he’s more than ready to care for her tiny family. But Laura’s been keeping a secret Samir might never forgive. When she finally confesses, will he remain by her side? Or is this fairytale ending too good to be true? Please be aware: this book contains depictions of domestic violence that could trigger certain audiences.
Estimated Reading Time: 5 hrs. 8 min.Page Number: 181Publication Date: January 2019First Publication Date: June 2018Publisher: Nixon HouseOriginal Title: Damaged Goods (Ravenswood #1.5)
ISBN: 9781916404311Country: United States of AmericaLanguage: İngilizce

About the Author

Talia Hibbert
Talia HibbertYazar · 3 books
Talia Hibbert, siyahi bir İngiliz romantizm romancısıdır. Çağdaş ve paranormal romantizm yazıyor. Farklı ırk, etnik köken, vücut şekli, cinsel yönelim ve yaşam deneyimi karakterleri ile çeşitli anlatılar yazmanın savunucusudur. En tanınmış kitabı Get a Life, Chloe Brown.