Değirmenimden Mektuplar

Alphonse Daudet

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192 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
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Kentin samimiyetsiz ve soğuk insanlarından uzaklaşmak isteyen yazarımız taşraya tavşanlı Jemmapes değirmenine yerleşir. Ve bu değirmenden mektuplar yazmaya başlar. Mektuplar taşra hayatını, taşrada geçen hikayeleri, efsaneleri, taşradaki insanları anlatıyor. Kitapta bolca doğa betimlemeleri vardı. Mektuplarda halk hikâyelerine yer vermiş, özellikle papa ve krallarla ilgili mizahi eleştiriler vardı. İki-üç günde okunabilecek, keyifli bir kitaptı.
Değirmenimden Mektuplar
Değirmenimden MektuplarAlphonse Daudet · Can Yayınları · 20183,004 okunma
190 syf.
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Read in 11 days
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
The book consists of letters written by French writer Alphonse Daudet in an old mill, telling short stories. The author, who escaped from the crowds and people of the city, said, "This book is my favorite among the things I have written." There were stories in it that I enjoyed reading. A readable book for story lovers.
Değirmenimden Mektuplar
Değirmenimden MektuplarAlphonse Daudet · Can Yayınları · 20203,004 okunma
232 syf.
Not rated
Read in 9 days
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
"Letters from My Mill" consists of short stories written as memoirs. Our narrator gets bored of the chaos of city life and starts living in a mill in order to live in the heart of nature. He tells us about the daily life there, the interesting stories he hears, nature, and his experiences. There is no particular order in the stories he tells; He can talk about one thing in one story and something completely different in another. Especially the descriptions of nature are very successful and detailed. Details such as the sunrise, the herds scattering to their homes, and the wind blowing the grass in the meadow really warmed my heart. While reading, I often regretted that we had to live among concrete piles. What the author tells is not very deep, you need to be aware of it before reading. As I said, the majority consist of stories and nature scenes from daily life. But the story called "Old People" especially impressed me. It was such a heartwarming story... Its characters will definitely sound familiar to you and remind you of someone. Even if you are not going to read the book, I recommend you find and read this chapter. I wish everyone a pleasant reading...
Değirmenimden Mektuplar
Değirmenimden MektuplarAlphonse Daudet · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 20173,004 okunma
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