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I learned one last lesson from Lisa: Contrary to popular belief, love teaches you the truth. That's why I promised Lisa "to say things that no one has ever said to anyone else." Listen, Lisa, it's a novel of longing. It comes to life in the inner world of those who have been expelled from their land, childhood, youth, adulthood and future. Listen, Lisa, of course, it is also a novel of hope... In moments when there is no possibility of escaping the captivity to which social and individual life condemns people, it expresses the hopes that are never expected, that sprout from unexpected places, and that cannot fit into any foresight or plan. A love born of longing and hope crowns Listen Lisa... A love experienced like a gift, leaving the ribbons of its package in our bitter red palms. Rebellion, acceptance, anger, despair, resistance and dissolution can only gain their reality in the circle of each other. Listen, Lisa, by turning into an eye that looks at why the questions that are not asked are not asked, that grows as you look, it sheds light on the multi-part mirror of the realities of Turkey; It tears away the curtain stretched before our eyes... With a compassion that goes through so much pain.
Bahar Siber
Bahar Siber
Suat Aysu
Suat Aysu
H. Seda Hit
H. Seda Hit
Estimated Reading Time: 9 hrs. 31 min.Page Number: 336Publication Date: May 2013Publisher: İletişim Yayınları
ISBN: 9789750511707Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

Book Statistics

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Erkek% 26.3
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55-64 Yaş
65+ Yaş

About the Author

Haluk İnanıcı
Haluk İnanıcıYazar · 6 books
Çocukluğunu İstanbul’un Tophane, Galata, Bayrampaşa, Karagümrük semtlerinde geçirip askerî ve sivil cümle okulları kâmilen bitirdi. 12 Eylül 1980 askerî darbe sürecinde üsteğmenken emekli edildi. 1983 yılından beri serbest avukatlık yapıyor. Daha önce yayımlanmış kitapları: 21. Yüzyılda Avukatlık ve Baro (makaleler, 2008, Legal Yayınevi); Rugan Ayakkabılı Teğmen (roman, 2010, Everest Yayınları), Parçalanmış Adalet (derleme, 2011, İletişim Yayınları); Dinle Lisa (roman, 2013, İletişim Yayınları); Türkiye’de Hukuku Yeniden Düşünmek (derleme, 2015, İletişim Yayınları); Aşkın Yedi Menzili (roman, 2016, İletişim Yayınları).