Ne Okusam?
Giriş Yap

Django / Zorro

Quentin Tarantino

Sözler ve Alıntılar

Tümünü Gör
The human heart is a deep, and potentially dark, well of deceit. But the mind bent on malice in the cause of personal gain can be a thousand times worse!
Sayfa 116 - Don Diego De La VegaKitabı okudu
Remember, amigos... Nothing can defeat the forces of freedom! Justice! Justice for all!
Sayfa 101 - ZorroKitabı okudu
-And who the flickerin' hell are you supposed to be? Go home, shaman! Your magic tricks aren't welcome here. +You mistake me, sir! The medicine I conjure is not meant to dazzle or mislead! But, rather... to liberate!
Sayfa 98 - ZorroKitabı okudu
-And since I know you are no swordsman, might I ask... How are you with a whip? +Yeah... I know about whips.
Sayfa 123 - Django UnchainedKitabı okudu
All is not lost so long as your hearts remain strong and true! There is no pit black enough to extinguish the longing for freedom! No chain strong enough to bind the human spirit!
Sayfa 97 - ZorroKitabı okudu
If there ain't a bounty to be had... I ain't interested. But I think about King... An' how he died tryin' to help me when it didn't profit him none.
Sayfa 92 - DjangoKitabı okudu
See another dawn under Arizona skies, and you will call down the deadly wrath... of EL ZORRO!
Sayfa 78 - Don Diego De La VegaKitabı okudu
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