
Franz Kafka

Dönüşüm Reviews

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7.8Out of 10
49.5k People · 6530 Review
80 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
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"Everyone has a time in life when they feel like Gregor Samsa." The story in which Kafka reaches the depths of symbolism and abstract thought. It reveals to us how natural we take adverse changes, perhaps thousands of times greater, in our emotional world, based on a physical change. Contrary to popular belief, in my opinion, it is not Gregor
DönüşümFranz Kafka · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2022224.7k okunma
74 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Kafka iyi bir yazar olmasının yanında, aynı zamanda iyi bir gözlemcidir. Dönüşüm kitabı ütobik bir kitap olmakla beraber, bu kitapta da anlatmak istediği alt metinde eleştirel bir kavram ve özgürlük temasına vurguda bulunmuştur. Kitapla ilgili önemli bir anektot ise: Kafka bu kitabında bir böcek resminin kullanılmamasını rica etmiştir. ( Neden
DönüşümFranz Kafka · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2022224.7k okunma
80 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 30 hours
"Herkes 'sürüye' katıldığından ötürü güven içerisinde, ...sınırları 'iyice' çizilmiş bir yaşam." Kafka'nın (1920-23) Jonouch'la konuşması Öncelikle Dönüşüm, sayfa sayısının azlığına, üslubunun görünüşteki yalınlığına karşılık deyim yerindeyse öyle kolay yutulur lokma değil. Kolay yutulur lokma olmamasına rağmen neden bu kadar çok
DönüşümFranz Kafka · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2022224.7k okunma
74 syf.
Not rated
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
In the face of your father's rudeness You woke up as an insect To the damp and cold Prague morning You are not alone Gregor Samsa Everyone has a problem in life "fuck it" You should have said at the beginning of the issue Your sister wouldn't sweep you Under the bed as a giant insect These elegant sorrows can only be experienced in Prague If you lived in Bağcılar, this would not happen to you.
DönüşümFranz Kafka · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2022224.7k okunma
80 syf.
Not rated
Read in 4 days
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Actually, this book was not among the books I wanted to read. I saw that it was cheap and thin in the bookstore, and I bought it because I knew it was widely read. I didn't want to read this book because I hate cockroaches, but I bought it so I read it. I felt sick while reading it. I started seeing giant cockroaches before my eyes. It was very realistic... I was surprised how a writer could put himself in the shoes of an insect so well. The book cover and book title can only describe this beautiful book. "Human turning into an insect" Everyone knows at least this much about this book, but when you read it, you see that the situation is different. Some families and individuals make people feel like they are an insect. I wonder if the people who are actually insects are the ones who make you feel this feeling? If a person doesn't get respect from his closest family, doesn't he feel like a worthless insect? How would you feel when you are very sick and you cannot do the only positive thing you do, the job that makes you feel good, even if your job is simple, and your manager does not believe in a hard-working, honest person like you? How will you feel the emotions of the lines you read in this book? You will read the painful story of a devastated young man, Gregor Samsa. Be sure to read it, even if you disgust insects...
DönüşümFranz Kafka · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2022224.7k okunma
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