E-vli ve Cepli

Latif Demirci

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- Allah özünüze döndürsün, dert verip reiki aratmasın!... Allah çakralarınıza zeval vermesin, negatif enerjilerden esirgesin... Allah astral seyahatlerde yolunuzu açık eylesin... - Transınıza trans katsın Yarabbim...
Estimated Reading Time: 4 hrs. 18 min.Page Number: 152Publication Date: October 2006Publisher: Everest Yayınları
ISBN: 9789752893498Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

About the Author

Latif Demirci
Latif DemirciYazar · 16 books
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
He was born in Istanbul in 1961. In 1975, when he was 14 years old, his first cartoon was published in Gırgır magazine. He worked in Mikrop magazine in 1978-79, and in Gırgır and Fırt magazines for the next ten years. He also drew for Yeni Gündem magazine and Söz newspaper. He completed his secondary education externally by examination in 1979. In the same year, he left midway his higher education, which he started at the State Academy of Fine Arts, Department of Ceramics. Demirci founded Hıbır magazine in 1989 together with Hasan Kaçan, Ergün Gündüz and Atilla Atalay. After the closure of Hıbır and its successor HBR Maymun magazines, Demirci started working in newspapers. Demirci, who worked in newspapers and magazines such as Nokta, Panorama, Gazete Pazar, drew current-political cartoons on the first page of Hürriyet newspaper and prepared a half page for the Pazar supplement. In the Kelebek supplement, "Married and Pocketed" is written. He made a cartoon called. Demirci, the cartoonist of the Monster Sheep Orhan, Arap Kadri, Muhlis Bey and Mithat-Mirsat characters, won the Sedat Simavi Cartoon Award in 2015. Latif Demirci, who also underwent heart surgery, was hospitalized after falling at home and died at 06:00 in the morning on June 5, 2022. The cartoonist, whose cartoons were exhibited in the Netherlands, France and Finland in the 90s, has ten published cartoon albums: - Tarzan, Arap Kadri (1984), - The Assalamu Alaikum (1985), - Yes Problem (1987), - Alas, I Graduated!.. (1991), - Mithat-Mirsat (1991), - Nostalcisi Kandilli (1992), - Doğuştan Fenerli Mithat (YKY, 1999), - Press Bey from the Angular Turks (YKY, 2001), - Press Bey Millenium 2000 (YKY, 2000), - Today, What Have You Done for the State (YKY, 2002).