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Nietzsche, gerçek olarak nitelediği savlarında başta kendi ırkı olmak üzere insan erdemi diye bildiğimiz çok tanımı ağır eleştirmiştir. Tanrı tanımaz tavrı kitabın her bölümünde hakim. Kendini tanımlarken mütevazi olmamıştır. Tabulaşmak korkusunu iyi anlatmış. Abartılı olmakla birlikte samimi.
Ecco Homo
Ecco HomoFriedrich Nietzsche · Siyah Beyaz Yayınları · 20169.9k okunma
139 syf.
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"İşte o adam"
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche  Bu adam çok farklı düşünüyor. Herkesin bildiğinin aksini biliyor. Bu adamın aynısını bulamazsınız. Size bir şey diyeyim mi? Öyle bir şey hissettim ki bu adamdan hiçbir şey hissetmediğimi söyleyebilirim sizlere... Ne zaman ki tam anladım desem daha sonra yoo anlamamışım cevabını alıyordum kendimden. Sizlere şu
Ecce Homo
Ecce HomoFriedrich Nietzsche · İlya Yayınları · 20139.9k okunma
120 syf.
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Ecce Homo - İşte İnsan
Bu kitap
Friedrich Nietzsche
Friedrich Nietzsche
'nin yazdığı son kitap olup daha önce kaleme aldığı kendi kitapları hakkında detaylı açıklamalara yer verdiği için belki de ilk okunması gereken kitabı olmalıdır. Kitabın adı "Ecce Homo" hakkında kısa bir bilgi paylaşmayı uygun görüyorum. Hz. İsa döneminde O'nun Tanrının
Ecce Homo
Ecce HomoFriedrich Nietzsche · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 20159.9k okunma
120 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Ecce Homo
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Why should you read this book? Ecce Homo is an excellent introductory book for those who want to hear Nietzsche's Zarathustra, The Twilight of His Idols, and his relationship with the German composer Richard Wagner, which was considered the touchstone of his life in both positive and negative terms (!), which included first love and then deep hatred, in his own words! The book was at least as striking as Zarathustra. Even after I finished it, his discourses kept running in the background of my mind all day. The title of the book is quite striking, Ecce Homo (Latin: "Behold (see) Man"), an emphatic sentence spoken by Pontius Pilate, who presented the beaten, bound and crowned with thorns Jesus to the angry and hateful crowd, referring to Jesus. This happened shortly before the crucifixion. The title of the book and its content are very compatible... It is the last book written by Nietzsche, but in my personal opinion, it is the book that should be read first. It was not surprising to see Nietzsche praising himself in the chapter titles of the book ("why am I so wise, why am I so smart, why do I write such good books?") The words he said about the Germans and Christianity are poisonous. For example, he said: "Religions are mob affairs, I have to wash my hands after touching religious people"... His saying that Immanuel Kant and Leibniz were Europe's fetters, and his liking for Descartes and Stendhal were among the details that caught my attention. “How does one become oneself?” I think the answer to the question is hidden in these lines; by turning his back on all ideals. Because according to Nietzsche; “Delusion (-believing in the ideal-) is not blindness. Mistake is cowardice. Enjoyable reading
Ecce Homo
Ecce HomoFriedrich Nietzsche · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 20159.9k okunma
120 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
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Kişi Nasıl Kendisi Olur
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In this book, the author tells his views against idealism and corruption, his own transformation processes, and the stories of his books. Moreover, even though he is of German descent, he makes many criticisms in almost every chapter of the book, saying "Germans are unbearable for me." If you, like me, are going to read the author for the first time, I recommend you start with this book. If you like the author's language and want to continue reading, it will be your reference book in this process. My comment about the author and his book is as follows: First of all, it is necessary to start this path by taking into consideration that Nietzsche is not an easy writer. I would like to say that I had a hard time while reading the book, considering that I understood a part of it at the end of the third reading :) -Reading it aloud and in an instructive manner made my job a little easier. He also said about his writings: "Those who can breathe the air of my writings, this is the air of a high place, a harsh air." knows it is. "Man must have been created for that weather, otherwise the risk of catching cold is quite great." (p.8) says. But this quote I read on page 47: “It seems to me that holding one of my books is the highest honor anyone can give to himself.” It became a source of motivation for me while I was reading the book. Even though I read some chapters many times, I felt proud of each sentence I understood and felt like I was getting one step closer to my soul. Nietzsche said, "It is a unique distinction to be able to enter this noble and subtle world." The 'World of Philosophy', as he describes it, will obviously be a long journey for me. :) I wish those who want to read it a pleasant reading.
Ecce Homo
Ecce HomoFriedrich Nietzsche · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 20159.9k okunma
120 syf.
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Neden Böyle Bilgeyim? Neden Böyle Akıllıyım?
Friedrich Nietzsche
Friedrich Nietzsche
Ecce Homo
Ecce Homo
'un önsözüde okuyucusuna şöyle hitap ediyor: " Bu yakında insanlığın karşısına, şimdiye dek ona yöneltilmiş en çetin istekle çıkacağımı göz önüne alarak, önce kim olduğumu söylemeyi gerekli buluyorum. Aslında bilinmeliydi bu: “Kimliğimi saklamış”
Ecce Homo
Ecce HomoFriedrich Nietzsche · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 20159.9k okunma
120 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
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Yükselişi ve çöküşü kimse benden daha iyi sezemez. Bu konuda mükemmel bir hocayımdır; ikisini de bilirim, çünkü ben her ikisiyim! Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche bu kitabıyla beni dumur etti diyebilirim. Daha ilk sayfalarından itibaren ensesinden sertçe tutulup çekilmiş gibi hissettim resmen. Yazarla yeni tanıştım. Adını, eserlerini, görüşlerin
Neden Bu Kadar Akıllıyım?
Neden Bu Kadar Akıllıyım?Friedrich Nietzsche · Zeplin Kitap · 20169.9k okunma
120 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Read in 25 hours
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One of the best autobiography books I have read... In this book, which is full of brutal criticism about the Germans and Christianity, he wrote down his own thoughts without hesitation. He did not forget to include how the books he wrote before this work were created and what influenced them... Person; He argues that if he does not accept something in the spiritual world, whether it is right or wrong, if he remains silent, it is a crime against humanity. He believes that the period in which he wrote his works was not his own period, and that while he criticizes the philosophers, music and clergy of that period, his own books will be born after his death. He wants it to be tolerated that he doesn't worry about those who don't understand him and criticize him that day... Nietzsche does not forget to add that this work is a book of criticism of the science, art and politics of 1886, and while he talks about how all of Europe, especially most of the Germans, are a ragtag group, he wholeheartedly wishes for French culture to encompass all of Europe... As an individual, he expresses that man must first discover the God within himself and that after this discovery he will not need another God... Even though I'm not very good with philosophy books, I love Nietzsche's narrative. In this work, although his admiration for himself is incredibly high, you will not be disturbed while reading it...
Ecce Homo
Ecce HomoFriedrich Nietzsche · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 20159.9k okunma
120 syf.
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"Ecce Homo" "Here is Human" Pontius Pilate used this expression to describe Jesus Christ to the angry crowd while he was being tortured before being crucified. Under this title, Nietzsche comments on how he created his works. He praises himself while commenting, but I didn't find this repulsive at all. Because he has many thoughts that deserve praise. These ideas defy time and are still being discussed. He began his career as a critic of Greek and Roman texts. Based on his writings, he was appointed to the Chair of Classical Philology as the youngest professor, without any conditions. After leaving university, he started to deal with philosophy. He created his works in a very short time. Thus Spoke Zarathustra in 18 months Humanly speaking, in less than a year, Tan appeared in a month. He always searched for the truth throughout his life and broke all taboos while searching for it. He criticized Christianity and idealist ideas, and was cursed in his country because he re-evaluated the concepts of morality. He advocates putting Dionysus and Apollo into music against Wagner because of his ideas based on ancient Greek and French culture. However, Wagner's transfer of his idealist thoughts to music ruined the great friendship. Even though I disagree with some of his thoughts, every book I read about him increases my admiration for him. I discover a different idea every time. If you start reading Nietzsche from this book, it will be easier to understand his works, you will learn what kind of person he is from himself. I wish you a good reading.
Ecce Homo
Ecce HomoFriedrich Nietzsche · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 20159.9k okunma
96 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Read in 25 days
Kitap, 1908 yılında yazılmış ve filozofun 1900 yılındaki ölümünden sonra yayımlanmış bir deneme kitabının parçasıdır. Kitap, İsa'nın tanıtıldığı "İşte İnsan" anlamına gelen "ecce homo" ifadesinden esinlenmiştir. Kitap, Nietzsche'nin felsefesinin temel öğelerini anlamaya yardımcı olabilir. Ancak, kitap sadece Nietzsche'nin eserlerinin bir bölümünü oluşturur, bu nedenle onun düşüncelerini daha derinlemesine anlamak için diğer eserlerini ve felsefi bağlamını da incelemek önemlidir. Özellikle, en popüler kabul edilen kitabı, "Böyle Buyurdu Zerdüşt" eseriyle neredeyse aynı şeyleri anlatmaktadır. Ancak, kitapta günümüzde saçma kabul edilebilecek bazı yemek ve içecek tavsiyeleri de bulunuyor. Bunun, o dönemin düşünce biçimi olduğunu kabul etmek gerektiğini düşünüyorum. Ayrıca Nietzsche'nin kadınlarla ilgili görüşleri, elbette kişisel olarak katılmadığım noktalara sahip. Ancak, bu, Nietzsche'nin tüm eserlerinde eleştirdiğim bir bakış açısıdır. "Neden Bu Kadar Akıllıyım?" Nietzsche'nin düşünsel dünyasına giriş yapmak ve yaşamını otobiyografik bir bakışla incelemek isteyenler için harika bir kitap. Kitap, bazı tartışmalı görüşleri içermesine rağmen, Nietzsche'nin felsefesini daha yakından anlama fırsatı sunar.
Neden Bu Kadar Akıllıyım?
Neden Bu Kadar Akıllıyım?Friedrich Nietzsche · Zeplin Kitap · 20199.9k okunma
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