El Alquimista

Paulo Coelho

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Considerado ya un clásico de nuestros días, El Alquimista relata las aventuras de Santiago, un joven pastor andaluz que un día emprende un viaje por las arenas del desierto en busca de un tesoro. Lo que empieza como la búsqueda de bienes mundanos se convertirá en el descubrimiento del tesoro interior. Evocativa y profundamente humana, esta historia es el testimonio eterno del poder transformador de nuestros sueños, de la importancia de escuchar a nuestros corazones y de descifrar el lenguaje que está más allá de las palabras. Y es que cuando una persona desea realmente algo, el Universo entero conspira para que pueda realizar su sueño.
Paulo Coelho
Paulo Coelho
Estimated Reading Time: 5 hrs. 26 min.Page Number: 192Publication Date: March 2021First Publication Date: 1988Publisher: Editorial PlanetaOriginal Title: O Alquimista
ISBN: 9788408144755Country: MexicoLanguage: İspanyolca

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About the Author

Paulo Coelho
Paulo CoelhoYazar · 41 books
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Paulo Coelho was a well-known songwriter in his country before he started writing. Paulo Coelho, who also worked as a journalist for a while, made the traditional pilgrimage of Christians in 1986, starting from Western Europe and ending in Santiago de Compestela, Spain. He described this experience in his book Hajj (original name: "The Pilgrimage"). His novel The Alchemist, published in 1988, made Coelho one of the most read contemporary writers. Published in 42 countries and translated into 26 languages, The Alchemist achieved unprecedented success and thanks to this book, he became the most read Latin American author after Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The Paulo Coelho Institute, founded by Paulo Coelho, helps poor children and the elderly in his country. Coelho serves as a consultant for UNESCO's Intercultural Dialogues programme. He is also on the board of directors of the Schwab Foundation, which organizes the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Paulo Coelho received many prestigious awards; These include the Crystal Award from the World Economic Forum and the French Légion d'Honneur. The author was accepted into the Brazilian Academy of Letters in 2002. Coelho also writes weekly columns for many reputable media outlets. Paulo Coelho lives in Rio de Janeiro. Her novel Elif was translated into Turkish for the first time after Portuguese and was published in March 2011. The novel tells the story of the writer and a talented violin virtuoso and an extraordinary young Turkish girl, Hilal, confronting themselves, each other and their existence during a journey across Siberia. Turkish artist Raif Kurt won the competition he opened to promote the book with his video Aleph by Raif Kurt. "The Way of the Archer" translated into Turkish. He dedicated his last book, translated as (The Archer), to our national archer Mete Gazoz, who achieved a historical success by winning a gold medal at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.