Eleştirel Pedagoji ve Neoliberalizm

Henry A. Giroux

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Sinemasal şiddet kişinin tiranlık ya da efendiliğe dair bakışını genişletebilecek biçimde gündelik hayatın derinliklerine inmek için kullanılabilir. Ucuz haz duygusunu tatmin edebilmek, basmakalıp olmanın alçaltıcılığını göstermek ya da salt röntgenciliğe hizmet etmek için de kullanılabilir. Sinemasal şiddet pek çok biçimde belirebilir. Şiddetin karmaşık ifadelerini teorik ve pedagojik açıdan ele alma çabası içindeyken bu ayrımların farkında olmak önemlidir. Şiddet kültür ne kadar yaygınlaşmış olursa olsun, eğitimcilerin, ebeveynlerin, yurttaşların ve kültür işçilerinin görsel medyanın temel anlatılarından biri haline gelmiş şiddet anlatılarına meydan okuması zorunluluktur.
Estimated Reading Time: 9 hrs. 50 min.Page Number: 347Publication Date: August 2007Publisher: Kalkedon Yayınları
ISBN: 9789944115155Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

About the Author

Henry A. Giroux
Henry A. GirouxYazar · 5 books
Giroux received his Doctorate from Carnegie-Mellon in 1977. He then became professor of education at Boston University from 1977 to 1983. In 1983, he became professor of education and renowned scholar in residence at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio where he also served as Director at the Center for Education and Cultural Studies. He moved to Penn State University where he took up the Waterbury Chair Professorship at Penn State University from 1992 to May 2004. He also served as the Director of the Waterbury Forum in Education and Cultural Studies. He moved to McMaster University in May 2004, where he currently holds the McMaster University Chair for Scholarship in the Public Interest. From 2012 to 2015 he was a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Ryerson University. In 2002, he was named as one of the top fifty educational thinkers of the modern period in Fifty Modern Thinkers on Education: From Piaget to the Present as part of Routledge’s Key Guides Publication Series. In 2007, he was named by the Toronto Star as one of the “12 Canadians Changing the Way We Think.” He has received honorary doctorates from Memorial University in Canada, Chapman University in California, and the University of the West of Scotland. He is on the editorial and advisory boards of numerous national and international scholarly journals, and he has served as the editor or co-editor of four scholarly book series. He co-edited a series on education and cultural studies with Paulo Freire for a decade. He is a regular contributor to a number of online journals including Truthout, Truthdig, and CounterPunch. He has published in many journals including Social Text, Third Text, Cultural Studies, Harvard Educational Review, Theory, Culture, & Society, and Monthly Review. His work has appeared in the New York Times and many other prominent news media. He is interviewed regularly on a number of media. He is on the Board of Directors for Truthout. His books are translated into many languages. His primary research areas are: cultural studies, youth studies, critical pedagogy, popular culture, media studies, social theory, and the politics of higher and public education. He is particularly interested in what he calls the war on youth, the corporatization of higher education, the politics of neoliberalism, the assault on civic literacy and the collapse of public memory, public pedagogy, the educative nature of politics, and the rise of various youth movements across the globe.