Eski Mısır Tarihi

Marc Van De Mieroop

Eski Mısır Tarihi Quotes

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Ptolemy II and Arsinoe were also the first full siblings to be married in a new practice that continued throughout the dynasty’s existence. The marriage was not exclusive and kings were still polygamous, but the primary queens were most often full sisters of the kings.
Whereas Hatshepsut had been represented as a woman in earlier statues and relief sculptures, after her coronation as king she appeared with male dress and gradually became represented with male physique. Her breasts did not show and she stood in a traditional man’s posture rather than a woman’s. Some reliefs were even re-carved to adjust her representation to appear more like a man.
With its conquest of Nubia Egypt gained access to rich gold deposits. The country had a monopoly on the metal, which other kings much desired. Thus many letters deal with gold, often griping about its quality and quantity. The Assyrian Assur-uballit wrote, for example: “Is such a present that of a great king? Gold in your country is like dust; one simply gathers it up. Why must it stay in your sight?"
Herodotus relates that a Phanes of Halicarnassus deserted to Cambyses and advised an attack through the desert with the help of Arabs. When the battle lines were drawn Phanes’s former colleagues in the Egyptian army cut his sons’ throats in his sight and drank the blood mixed with wine.
Rameses II in Battle of Qadesh
No officer was with me, no charioteer. No soldier of the army, no shield bearer; My infantry, my chariotry yielded before them, Not one of them stood firm to fight with them. His Majesty spoke: “What is this, my father Amun? Is it right for a father to ignore his son?"
The Greek settlement at Naukratis provides the earliest evidence for iron smelting in Egypt, which suggests that mercenaries introduced the technology.
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