Evliya Çelebi'nin Seyahatnamesi'nden Seçmeler

Evliya Çelebi


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Çocuklara cimcime demeyin ;)
Hazreti Zekeriya zamanındaki Maraş kayser'i " Cimcime" Maraş'i kurmuştur. Bunun kardeside Sivas'ı yaptırmıştır.
Sayfa 106Kitabı okudu
Şehrin kıble yönü dışındaki ovada Molla Şeyh Hoca Nasreddin gömülüdür. Kendisi Aksehirlidir. İkinci Murad'a yetişip Yıldırım Han zamanında yaşamıştır. Erdemli,hazır cevap, keramet sahibi, filozof, din ve dünya işlerinde doğru bir ulu can idi.
Sayfa 135Kitabı okudu
Evliya Çelebi'nin Bursa Seyahatinden sonra, babasının nasihatleri
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Son! Don't eat without saying Bismillah. The man becomes poor. If you have a secret, don't tell it even to your closest ones. Don't ruin your good name. Don't be a companion to evil. You will suffer a lot of damage. You always move forward! My eyes are on you, don't fall behind. Don't step on the cultivated field. Don't covet your share of friends. Do not stretch out your hand to a place where you do not put anything. Don't listen when two people are talking. Enshrine the right to bread and salt. Don't go anywhere uninvited. If you go, go to a place you trust, to an honest person. Keep a secret. Keep in mind the words you heard from the communities. Don't carry words from home. Don't gossip, be moral. Get along with everyone. Don't be stubborn and abusive. Respect the elderly. Don't go in front of those older than you. Always be clean. Do not approach haram and forbidden things. Do not give up your five daily prayers. Become famous for your knowledge and virtue.
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Learn goodness from good people
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'Well, this is the world. Human beings do not stop at one decision. There is time, it amazes the angels. The day will come when the devil will be ashamed of him.'
100 öğeden 11 ile 20 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.