
Mary Shelley

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“Frankenstein, günümüz bilimkurgusunun başlangıç noktası.” - Stephen King “Frankenstein'ın başarısı, insanlığın sonu gelmeyen korkularından biri olan tehlikeli bilgiye karşı korkuyu yeniden ortaya koymasında saklı.” - Isaac Asimov “Sevgi uyandıramıyorsam, korku salacağım, özellikle de sana çünkü söndürülmez bir nefret duyuyorum yaratıcıma.” Mary Shelley yaşadığı dönem, bulunduğu çevre ve geldiği aile sebebiyle edebiyat tarihinin nevi şahsına münhasır yazarlarından biri olsa da ona ölümsüzlüğü getiren şey “yaratıcılığı”. Shelley'nin iki asır önce kaleme aldığı Frankenstein pek çoklarınca ilk bilimkurgu eseri olmasının yanı sıra gotiğin, korkunun hatta romansın bir araya geldiği gerçek bir edebiyat klasiği. Eserden daha büyük popülariteye ulaşan, kişinin kendi yaratımı tarafından yok edildiği “Frankenstein Teması” ise hem kültürümüzün önemli bir parçası hem de Shelley'nin izlerini takip eden pek çok yazarın çıkış noktası. Doğanın sınırlarını zorlamaya kararlı olan genç bilim insanı Victor Frankenstein ceset parçalarını birleştirip uzun çalışmaları sonucunda yaratığına can verir. Başlangıçta nezaket ve iyilik dolu olan canavar, toplumun zulmünden dolayı gün geçtikçe acımasızlaşır ve onu terk eden yaratıcısından intikam almaya karar verir. Yaratıcının, yaratımına karşı bir sorumluluğu var mı? Yoksa canavar dünyada yalnız bırakıldığı için intikam aramakta haklı mı? Frankenstein, bilimkurgunun Aydınlanması. Neil Gaiman'ın sunumuyla
Mary Shelley
Mary Shelley
Orhan Yılmaz
Orhan Yılmaz
Estimated Reading Time: 7 hrs. 15 min.Page Number: 256Publication Date: April 2021First Publication Date: 1818Publisher: İthaki YayınlarıOriginal Title: Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus
ISBN: 9786053752004Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

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About the Author

Mary Shelley
Mary ShelleyYazar · 14 books
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He was born in London in 1797. Her father, William Godwin, was a writer known for his radical political views, and her mother, Mary Wollstonecraft, was an influential women's rights advocate of the period. After his mother died during his birth, he was raised by his father and naturally he was greatly influenced by him and his circle of friends. Under these conditions, it was inevitable that literature and philosophy would be his main areas of interest. Mary, who spent most of her childhood reading books and writing stories, fell in love with Percy Bysshe Shelley, one of the most popular romantic poets of the period, in 1814. Mary was only 17 years old when they had to flee to Switzerland because Percy Shelley was married. His father, William Godwin, opposed the relationship. The two lovers were able to return to London and marry after the death of Percy's wife in 1816. Then they settled in Italy. Frankenstein's thought; Mary was inspired by a nightmare she had half-awake in the summer of 1816, and was supported by her husband in developing the story. Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus was published in early 1818. It is also possible to see the influence of the industrial revolution in England and thinkers such as Locke and Hobbes on the birth of the novel. After losing her husband in a boating accident in 1822, Mary returned to London and worked as a professional writer until her death in 1851. Frankenstein; Although it has been passed down from generation to generation as a horror classic, there is actually no direct reference to fear in the story. The killer, the monster, and its creator, Dr. Frankenstein is actually the victim. They are a metaphor for romantic rebellion against the modern age and the dominance of rational reason. In other words, it is the sad story of different people who were pushed out of society, fought their own war and were defeated in this war. Mary Shelley, best known for Frankenstein, is also the author of Lodore, Falkner (1837), Perkin Warbeck, and The Last Man, an apocalyptic novel published in 1826 that examines the gradual extinction of humanity.