From Balat to Bat Yam

Eli Shaul

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Eli Shaul (1916-2004) was a Turkish Jew. After spending his childhood in the colorful Balat neighborhood, he received a superb education at the prestigious İstanbul Erkek Lisesi (Istanbul Men’s High School), the University of Istanbul, and the Reserve Officers Training School in Ankara. While still in high school, he began keeping a diary, which he continued during his college years and the time he spent serving as an army dentist in eastern Turkey. Those diaries, contained in this book, provide rare insights into what life was like for minorities—and particularly for Jews—in Turkey during the nineteen thirties and forties. Atatürk’s Republic, which most of them ardently supported, had raised their hopes of at last being accepted as fully equal Turkish citizens in every way, but those hopes were cruelly dashed when discrimination and anti-Semitism continued, and even worsened, especially after Atatürk’s death in 1938. Not surprisingly, most of Turkey’s Jews immigrated to Israel after it won its independence in 1948. That exodus provoked harsh criticism of the Jews in the Turkish press, and the Turkish Jews founded their own newspapers and magazines to respond to those attacks. Shaul was one of the first contributors to Turkey’s fledgling Jewish press, and some of his most important articles are included in this volume. He himself moved to Israel in 1950 but continued to write articles for Turkish Jewish publications throughout his life and also authored a book on the folklore of the Turkish Jews. From Balat to Bat Yam is a testament to Eli Shaul’s deeply felt patriotism, which consisted not only of love for his native Turkey but insistence that she treat all her citizens as equals.
Eli Shaul
Eli Shaul
Michael McGaha
Michael McGaha
Estimated Reading Time: 6 hrs. 53 min.Page Number: 243Publication Date: 2012Publisher: Libra Yayınları
ISBN: 9786054326532Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

About the Author

Eli Shaul
Eli ShaulYazar · 1 books
1916'da İstanbul'da doğdu. İstanbul Erkek Lisesinden mezun olduktan sonra, 1941'de öğrenimini tamamladığı İstanbul Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi'ne girdi. 1941'den 1944'e kadar teğmenlik görevini yaptı. . 1934 yılında İstanbul'da Siyonist örgüt Ne’emanei Tsion'un (Zion'un Sadık Aşıkları) kurucularından biriydi. 1947'den 1950'ye kadar, Türkiye'nin yeni oluşturulan Yahudi basını için yazılar yazdı. Makaleleri Şalom, Şabat, Atikva ve Türkiye’nin Sesi gazetelerinde yayınlandı. 1950'de ailesiyle birlikte İsrail'e göç etti. İsrail'den Yitshak Ben Rubin tarafından yayınlanan El Tiempo gazetesine yazılar gönderdi. 1954'te Sabetay Leon ve Mose Azar ile birlikte haftalık La Union gazetesini yayınlamaya başladı. 1959'da Derecho al Buto adlı bir haftalık gazete daha yayınladı. 1950’de 1987’de İsrail’e göç ettiği andan itibaren Bat-Yam’da diş hekimi olarak çalıştı. 1987'de diş hekimliğini oğluna devrettikten sonra, 1994 yılında Isis Publishing Company tarafından yayınlanan Folklor de los Judios de Turkiya adlı Türk Yahudilerinin folkloru üzerine bir kitap üzerinde çalışmaya başladı. Eli Shaul, 5 Mayıs'ta öldü. 2004.