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Yıl 1930. Yer Güney Amerika. Şili, Paraguay ve Patagonya'dan üç posta uçağı Buenos Aires'teki havaalanında buluşmak üzere aynı anda havalanır ama bir tanesi havaalanına ulaşamaz. İşte bu kitapta gece uçuşlarının tehlikelerine göğüs geren, canlarını kul-landıklara uçaklara emanet etmiş cesur pilotların ve aşağıda, onları yere indirebilmek için elinden geleni ardına koymayan dediğim dedik Rivière'in hikâyesini okuyacaksınız. "Bu adamın gülüşünü, âşık hallerini tanıyordu ama fırtınadaki ilahi öfkesini bilmiyordu. Onunla arasına müzikle, aşkla, çiçeklerle şefkat dolu bağlar örüyor ama her ayrılık vaktinde, bu bağlar kopuveriyor ve bu durum adamın pek umurunda olmuyordu."
Alper Turan
Alper Turan
Estimated Reading Time: 3 hrs. 24 min.Page Number: 120Publication Date: 2015First Publication Date: December 1931Publisher: Zeplin KitapOriginal Title: Vol de Nuit
ISBN: 9786059115155Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

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About the Author

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Antoine de Saint-ExupéryYazar · 44 books
This text has been automatically translated from French. Show Original
Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger, comte de Saint Exupéry (29 June 1900 - 31 July 1944) was a French pilot, writer and poet. Especially "The Little Prince" He became famous with his work called (Le Petit Prince). Life He was born in Lyon, France. He was the third of five siblings. Exupéry, who belonged to an aristocratic family, lost his father when he was four years old. After his father's death, the family quickly became impoverished. Their mother was a cultured woman. Their first teachers were their mothers. Exupéry was not successful at school. He had no interest in homework and was constantly getting punished. He met airplanes at the age of 12. He would sneak into the airport next to his house and watch the planes closely. When he was 12 years old, a pilot took him on his plane and flew him. The death of his brother François shook him and his family very much. After graduating from high school, he enrolled in maritime school in order not to upset his mother, even though he wanted to be a pilot. At the age of 19, he entered the faculty of architecture at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. He was called to the army at the age of 21. He left his education midway and went to the military. He did his military service as a technician in the French Air Force. He received pilot training in Strasbourg. After his military service, he started working as a truck salesman in an office in Paris upon his family's request. He failed in business life. Meanwhile, he also started writing. The year 1926 was a turning point in his life: He started flying again. He started his career as the pilot of a plane operating a postal service between Toulouse and Dakar. He finished his first book, Güney Postası. Here he was describing his first flight experiences. He was appointed responsible for the Argentina region of the same company. His novel Night Flight tells about his life in Argentina. He got married in Paris. When he was 35, his plane broke down and he crash-landed in the desert in Tunisia, and he got lost. After a four-day challenging desert adventure, they were found by a Bedouin. He served as a correspondent for the French newspaper during the Spanish Civil War. He made many inventions in the field of aviation. He contributed to the development of devices that regulate night flights. II. When World War II started, France was occupied by Germany. Even though his commanders told Exupéry that his health was not suitable for war conditions, he enlisted in the military. He left for the United States after France's defeat. The two books he wrote while he was here, World and People and Fighter Pilot, were very popular in New York. He also wrote his most important work, The Little Prince, during this period. He wanted to give the world a message of hope in the midst of the destruction brought by war. He tried to do this through the eyes of a child in The Little Prince. The situation of his country under occupation made him very sad. Deciding that he could not remain silent in the face of events, he joined the US army and went to North Africa with the rank of captain. Its mission was to monitor the movement of German armies from the air. During another such reconnaissance flight, on July 31, 1944, his plane was shot down and crashed into the sea off the coast of Marseille. The wreckage of his plane was found by fishermen in 2000.