Geometri Reviews

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9.3Out of 10
627 People · 102 Review
80 syf.
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Geometri- Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk tarafından yazılmış bir geometri kitabı... Dünyadan gelip geçmiş liderleri düşünelim, acaba hangisi toplumu için böyle bir eser bırakmıştır, kendine rahat bir uykudan ödün verip (pi sayısını 3 almadan:D) hesaplamalarla uğraşmıştır? Sanırım hiçbiri... Zaten hayran olduğum bu adama, kitabı okudukça daha da büyük bir saygı ve sevgi beslemeye başladım. Kitapta geometrinin temelleri atılmış. Düzlem, üçgen, piramit, açılar, paralel doğrular, uzay, boyutlar, çokgenler, prizmalar ve bunların alanları, hacimleri... Ya adam kesik koninin hacmini bile örneğiyle anlatmış. Ne diyebilirim daha fazla bilmiyorum. Eşsizdi gerçekten. Tabii bazı terimlerde değişiklikler var, örneğin tümler açılar yerine tümey açılar, küre yerine yüre gibi kelimelerde ses değişiklikleri olmuş günümüze kadar. Sizi bilmem ama ben ülkemin, bir pozitif bilimin temelini atan bir adamın elinden geçmiş olmasıyla gurur duyuyorum... Herkese iyi okumalar...
GeometriMustafa Kemal Atatürk · Panama Yayınları · 20181,806 okunma
80 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
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Hayretler içerisinde okudum. O kadar savaş, sıkıntı, yokluk ,o kadar mücadele içerisinde geometriyle uğraşmak; pes doğrusu. Ne büyük adamsın sen Atam.
GeometriMustafa Kemal Atatürk · Panama Yayınları · 20181,806 okunma
48 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 25 hours
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
In the book, the Turkish equivalents that Atatürk found for geometry terms and the geometry theories are explained. “Dimension, space, surface, level, diameter, radius, square section, arc, circle, tangent, angle, bisector, interior angle, exterior angle, base, oblique, broken, plumb line, horizontal, vertical, parallel, position, triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, diagonal, equilateral, isosceles, parallelogram, lateral, trapezoid, plus, minus, multiply, divide, equal, sum, ratio, proportion, derivative, area, assumption, justification, etc.” The terms were coined by Ataturk himself. The fact that Atatürk was interested in this task amidst all the war, turmoil and problems and the fact that we still use the terms he invented today made me admire Atatürk once again. This book should be in every library and read by everyone.
GeometriMustafa Kemal Atatürk · Özlem Yayınevi · 20121,806 okunma
68 syf.
Not rated
Read in 3 days
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
There are people who say that Atatürk had a mathematician write this geometry book. What difference does it make? The goal of the great leader was to raise the newly established Turkish Republic to the level of contemporary civilizations, to move away from bigotry and fanaticism and to ensure that science and science are valued. What if he writes a book for this? What happens if he writes? Don't they both serve the purpose? When I saw the book, as a teacher who loved his ancestors, I was once again happy to be a mathematics teacher. Read this book. No matter what anyone says or thinks, Ataturk's contribution to the current state of the terms is great. Even the name mathematics started to be used thanks to him :)
GeometriMustafa Kemal Atatürk · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 20201,806 okunma
48 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 2 hours
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Atatürk's much talked about but unread book. Ataturk defined 129 geometry terms in this book. He chose very easy and beautiful words and made the job easier for us. After giving the definition of the terms, he reinforced it with easy examples. Of course, no matter how simple we say it is, there are still people who cannot do it.. our problem Today, most people who praise Atatürk for writing a geometry book have not read the book... Atatürk is a name that is still debated and remains in the conflict of different views. The thing is, these people defend and antagonize their books without reading them. Today, the book "Speech" is read by most of those who claim to know Atatürk. I have not read it because the Speech book is a popular book and is offered for sale with additions, deletions and interventions made upon the publications' own request. If I find one of the first editions of this book one day, I will definitely read it. I think the book to read to get to know Atatürk is "civil information". I had started to read the PDF, but since there were parts written by Atatürk in his own handwriting in the publication of the book, I decided to buy the book and read it... As a result, to talk about Ataturk, one should read the books written by Ataturk himself. One should not be blindly defensive or blindly hostile. I wish our nation could experience every opinion, person or people to their taste... The reason for our current situation is again due to our exaggerated emotions and lack of reading.
GeometriMustafa Kemal Atatürk · Özlem Yayınevi · 20121,806 okunma
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