Kültürlenme Sürecinin Mitik Kahramanı


İsmail Gezgin

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The Epic of Gilgamesh is humanity's first written text and the first work in which Noah's Flood is mentioned. The texts recorded in cuneiform on clay tablets describe the quest for immortality of the king named Gilgamesh, who reigned in the Sumerian city of Uruk. This eternal quest for immortality is also the herald of art, abstraction, culture, social life, in short, civilization. In this book, Archaeologist Dr. İsmail Gezgin discussed Gilgamesh, one of the greatest mythical narratives of humanity, from different dimensions. Benefiting from the methodology of different disciplines, the author, at first glance, presents the story of a Sumerian hero in search of immortality. It transforms the Gilgamesh myth, which seems like it, into the story of an important turning point in human history when it is read again by placing it in symbolic systems. Thus, Gilgamesh becomes a data bank bearing the traces of the transition periods to productivity and settled order that took place in the lands we live on. “Our lives, our social life, our moral and intellectual structure are shaped by mythological archetypes. There are mythological elements in every aspect of our lives... Knowing our journey throughout history is the most important indicator of where we are today. A better understanding of our social structure will enable everyone living on this land to look to the future with more confidence. These myths, most of which we are not even aware of, form the chain of our social and cultural DNA... From the Promotional Article
Estimated Reading Time: 9 hrs. 4 min.Page Number: 320Publication Date: December 2009Publisher: Alfa
ISBN: 9786051061825Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

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About the Author

İsmail Gezgin
İsmail GezginYazar · 17 books
1988 yılında Ege Üniversitesi Klasik Arkeoloji Bölümünü bitirdikten sonra aynı okulda Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora eğitimini de tamamladı. 1995 yılından bu yana Ege Üniversitesi, Turizm ve Otelcilik Yüksekokulu, Turist Rehberliği Bölümü'nde öğretim üyesi olarak görev yapmaktadır. İsmail Gezgin, Anadolu'nun birçok yerinde arkeolojik kazılara katılmasının yanı sıra İzmir ve çevresinde yapılan yüzey araştırmalarında da bulunmuştur. İsmail Gezgin, Psikeart, Memlekent, Artist ve Gastro dergilerinde sanat, arkeoloji, tarih ve yemeğin kültür tarihi konulu yazılar yazmakta ve Çeşme'de yaşamaktadır.