Girl Walks into a Wedding

Helena S. Paige

About Girl Walks into a Wedding

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*A CHOOSE YOUR OWN DESTINY NOVEL* Your best friend is getting married. You're going to be her bridesmaid so you have a lot to deal with - the hen party, pre-wedding nerves, your dress, the men . . . So many men. And you have to choose between them. Maybe you'll end up having fun at this wedding after all. * The priest is definitely heaven-sent but he's off limits, isn't he?* Or perhaps you'll pick the best man. He's very attractive but the best man and the bridesmaid is such a clich . Right?* And then there's the rugged pilot - his offer of a brief encounter might have surprising consequences . . .Whichever way you decide to go, each twist and turn will lead to an unforgettable encounter. Can you choose the ultimate sensual experience? Remember: if your first choice doesn't hit the spot, then start over and try something (and someone) new. The power is entirely yours in this fully interactive, choose your own destiny novel.
Estimated Reading Time: 9 hrs. 58 min.Page Number: 352Publication Date: 19 December 2013Publisher: PiatkusOriginal Title: Girl Walks into a Wedding
ISBN: 9781405529051Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandLanguage: EnglishFormat: E-kitap

Book Statistics

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Kadın% 87.2
Erkek% 12.8
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55-64 Yaş
65+ Yaş

About the Author

Helena S. Paige
Helena S. PaigeYazar · 2 books
Helen Moffet, Sarah Lotz ve Paige Nick isimli üç arkadaşın Helena S. Paige ismiyle oluşturdukları yazar.