Goblin Slayer, Vol. 1

Kumo Kagyu

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Goblin Slayer, Vol. 1
Goblin Slayer, Vol. 1Kumo Kagyu · 20163 okunma
“Wh-who are you…?” she asked, pushing down her terror and pain. After a pause, the man answered, “Goblin Slayer.” A killer. Not of dragons or vampires, but the lowliest of monsters: goblins.
He will not save the world. He will not even change anything. After all, he is just another pawn, such as you might find anywhere…
And there were victories, and there were defeats, but there was no resolution. At long last, the gods tired of dice. Thereupon they created many creatures to be their playing pieces and a world in which to play. Humans and elves and dwarves and lizardmen, goblins and ogres and trolls and demons.