God and Stephen Hawking: Whose Design Is It Anyway?

John C. Lennox

God and Stephen Hawking: Whose Design Is It Anyway? Sözleri ve Alıntıları

God and Stephen Hawking: Whose Design Is It Anyway? sözleri ve alıntılarını, God and Stephen Hawking: Whose Design Is It Anyway? kitap alıntılarını, God and Stephen Hawking: Whose Design Is It Anyway? en etkileyici cümleleri ve paragragları 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
Evreni anlamanın verdiği mutluluk (yaklaşık Türkçesi)
Just as my admiration of the genius behind a work of engineering or art increases the more I understand it, so my worship of the Creator increases the more I understand the universe he has created. Nasıl ki Bir mühendislik veya sanat işinin arkasındaki zekayı anladıkça hayranlığım artıyorsa öyle de, yarattığı evreni anladıkça Tanrı'ya olan derin saygım da artyor.
Dünyaca ünlü bilim adamları tarafından söylense bile saçmalık her zaman saçmalık olarak kalacaktır. Nonsense remains nonsense, even when talked by world-famous scientists.
Penrose, M Teorisi
From my own perspective, we are much farther from a “final theory” even than this…Various remarkable mathematical developments have indeed come out of string-theoretic (and related) ideas. However, I remain profoundly unconvinced that they are very much other than just striking pieces of mathematics albeit with input from some deep physical ideas. For theories whose space-time dimensionality exceeds what we directly observe (namely 1+3), I see no reason to believe that, in themselves, they carry us much further in the direction of physical understanding.
Bilim adamlarının dünya görüşlerinin yaptıkları deneylerin sonunçlarının yorumlanmasında ve şekillendirdikleri teoriler üzerinde etkiye sahip olabileceği iyi bilinir. It is also well known that a scientist’s personal world-view can affect the interpretation he places on the results of his experiments, and on the theories he forms.
M Teorisi
Once again it needs to be stressed that M-theory is an abstract theory, and not a creator. It describes a scenario (or, more accurately, a series of scenarios, as it is a family of theories) that has solutions which allow for 10^500 different universes – assuming of course that M-theory is true, which is by no means certain, as we shall see. However, even if it is true, M-theory itself doesn’t create a single one of those universes. What Hawking says is: “The laws of M-theory allow for different universes with different apparent laws.” “Allow for” is one thing, “create” is something completely different. A theory that allows for many universes is not the same as an agent who designed them, or a mechanism that produces them. What is very interesting in all of this is the impression being given to readers of The Grand Design that God is somehow rendered unnecessary, or non-existent, by science. Yet when one examines the arguments one can see that the intellectual cost of doing so is impossibly high, since it involves an attempt to get rid of the Creator by conferring creatorial powers on something that is not in itself capable of doing any creating – an abstract theory.
Çoklu evrenler (multiverse)
#53353603 Let us recognize these speculations for what they are. They are not physics, but in the strictest sense, metaphysics. There is no purely scientific reason to believe in an ensemble of universes. By construction these other worlds are unknowable by us. A possible explanation of equal intellectual respectability – and to my mind greater economy and elegance – would be that this one world is the way it is, because it is the creation of the will of a Creator who purposes that it should be so.
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