Gökçe'nin Günlüğünden

Sara Gürbüz Özeren

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Günlüğümü okurken siz de benimle birlikte maceradan maceraya koşacaksınız. Bazen hep beraber adım adım Anadolu'yu gezip tarih ve kültürümüzü öğreneceğiz, bazen de dedektif olup esrarengiz olayların peşine düşeceğiz. Bir gün elimize bir demet çiçek alıp huzurevi ziyaretine gideceğiz, başka bir gün uzaylıların da içinde bulunduğu fantastik bir maceranın içinde bulacağız kendimizi. Bütün bu maceraları yaşarken görgü ve nezaketi hatırlayıp, dostluğun, dayanışmanın, yetimlere sahip çıkmak gibi erdemlerimizin değerini daha iyi anlamış olacağız. 1- Bir Çift Güvercin 2- Hafiye Ekibi 3- Adım Adım Anadolu 4- Truva Atı 5- Hayvanet Bahçesinde 6- Teleferik 7- Düşler Ülkesinde 8- Uzaylılar 9- Çiftlikteki Müze 10- Sirk
Estimated Reading Time: 18 hrs. 8 min.Page Number: 640Publication Date: 2012Publisher: Damla YayıneviOriginal Title: Gökçe'nin Günlüğünden
ISBN: 9786053832751Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

Book Statistics

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Kadın% 88.2
Erkek% 11.8
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13-17 Yaş
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25-34 Yaş
35-44 Yaş
45-54 Yaş
55-64 Yaş
65+ Yaş

About the Author

Sara Gürbüz Özeren
Sara Gürbüz ÖzerenYazar · 126 books
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Sara GÜRBÜZ ÖZEREN was born on February 12, 1956 in Şenkaya district of Erzurum. He completed his primary education in this district. By passing the exam he took in 1968, he was entitled to study at Yavuz Selim Primary Teacher School as a free boarding student. He graduated from this school in 1975 as the top student. In the same year, he was appointed as a teacher in Şenkaya's Gözalan Village. After working as a village teacher in various parts of the country for fifteen years, he returned to Erzurum and worked in this province until his retirement in his 28th year. Özeren became interested in literature because of the fairy tales, folk tales, lives of folk poets, and adventures of folk heroes that he heard from his father and grandmother in his childhood. The stories of ordinary people, the mystery of nature, and his close interest in children as a requirement of his profession led him to become a writer. Sara Gürbüz Özeren, who retired after 33 years of teaching profession, still lives in Erzurum.