World of Art

Greek Art

John Boardman

About Greek Art

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This book provides an authoritative and readable guide to the history of Greek art. It is a considerably enlarged and rewritten version of a work that has served hundreds of thousands in many languages since the early '60s. As the author says, 'This edition is different in that it takes into account new finds as well as new ideas and attitudes to the subject... I have attempted here to place Greek art back into Greece and away from galleries and art books, to try to recapture what it meant to its makers and viewers, and so better value what it has meant to later artists in the western world. The original intentions and the way these masterpieces are viewed today are often leagues apart. But foremost my aim has been to explain what Greek art looks like, how to look at it, how to enjoy it as something beyond the tourist's Parthenon or a broken museum marble, as part of our common heritage.'
Estimated Reading Time: 7 hrs. 8 min.Page Number: 252Publication Date: May 1985First Publication Date: 1964Publisher: Thames & Hudson
ISBN: 9780500201947Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandLanguage: English

About the Author

John Boardman
John BoardmanYazar · 7 books
1927 yılında doğmuştur. Eğitimini Chigwell School veMagdalene College, Cambridge yapmıştır. Yunanistan'da bulunduğu yıllar boyunca Atina'daki British School of Archaeology'de Yardımcı Müdür göre-vinde bulunmuş, Eski İzmir, Girit, Sakız ve Libya'daki kazılara katılmıştır.Oxford Ashmolean Müzesi'nde dört yıl boyunca Yardımcı Küratörlük yap-mış, daha sonra Oxford Üniversitesi Merton College'in Klasik Arkeoloji Bö-lümü'nde öğretim üyeliği yapmıştır. Sir Boardman, halen Oxford Üniversi-tesi Klasik Arkeoloji ve Sanat Bölümü'nün Lincoln Profesör Emirutus'u veBritish Academy'in Akademik Üyesi unvanlarına sahiptir.Profesör Boardman, Eski Yunan Sanatı ve arkeoloji üzerine birçok eser yazmıştır.