Günlük - Kemal Öztürk’ün Tuhaf Hikayesi


Kenan Öztürk

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From the harmony of opposites comes life, the conflict of opposites is death. Mevlana Celaleddin-i RUMI "Kemaaal, you close it!" "No Feyza, you close it!" "No, you!" "No, you!" "Kemal, close that door, I'm frozen here!" "Why do I always close it? I wonder if it would stick to your hand if you closed it once? "Friend, what kind of nonsense romance are you living like this?" Could you have misunderstood something?" "We are always like this, brother Hacı. Ours is not romance, it's stubbornness. I say, "I have a surprise for you, Feyza, close your eyes." He says, "No, you close your eyes." I yawn. He says, 'Close your mouth, Kemal.' I reply, 'No, you close your mouth.' As you understand, ours is the harmony of opposites. Yin and Yang, like Cain and Abel." 'Diary', on the one hand, tells the story of the hero's encounter with love in a humorous language, and on the other hand, it skillfully reveals how extreme emotions can drag a person into a vortex, inspired by real events.
Estimated Reading Time: 6 hrs. 7 min.Page Number: 216Publication Date: 2020Publisher: Cinius
ISBN: 9786257713153Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

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About the Author

Kenan Öztürk
Kenan ÖztürkYazar · 2 books
Kenan Öztürk, Diğer, Kurumlar, Örgütler, Derin Siyaset, Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları kategorilerinde eserler yazmış bir yazardır. Amerikan Sendikacılığı ve Türkiye İlk İlişkiler kitabının yazarıdır. Kenan Öztürk kitapları; Tüstav İktisadi İşletmesi aracılığıyla kitapseverlerle buluşmuştur. Kenan Öztürk tarafından yazılan son kitap "Amerikan Sendikacılığı ve Türkiye İlk İlişkiler", Tüstav İktisadi İşletmesi tarafından okurların beğenisine sunulmuştur.