Hindu Mitolojisi

Wendy Doniger O'flaherty

Newest Hindu Mitolojisi Quotes

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Bhṛgu cursed Viṣņu for killing his wife, saying, ‘Since you who know dharma have slain a woman, who is not to be slain, therefore you will be born among men seven times.’ And because of this curse, Viṣņu is born among men here again and again for the sake of the welfare of the world when dharma is destroyed.
The gods then spoke only truth, and the demons spoke only falsehood. The gods, speaking truth steadfastly, became weaker and poorer; and therefore whoever speaks truth steadfastly becomes weaker and poorer, but in the end he overcomes, as the gods overcame in the end.
And so the sage has said, ‘You have not fought with anyone for a single day, nor do you have any enemy, O bountiful one. Your battles which they tell about are all magic illusion; you have fought no enemy today, nor in the past.’
The arbitrary nature of the distinction between gods and demons is emphasized by the circular logic of one early myth: Prajāpati makes the demons evil because they are evil, and he creates them out of darkness, but he then makes their substance into night.
I find this triple universe empty when I am separated from you.
As she set out, the destroyer of the cities said to her angrily, ‘Truly, the daughter is like her father in all her ways. Your heart is as hard to fathom as a cavern of Himālaya, in which many sharp blades have accumulated, fallen from his cloud-garlanded peaks; your cruelty comes from his rock; your inconsistency from his various trees; your crookedness from his winding rivers; and you are as difficult to enjoy carnally as snow. All of this has been transferred to you, Goddess, from the snowy mountain, Himālaya.’
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