Hindu Mitolojisi

Wendy Doniger O'flaherty

Hindu Mitolojisi Quotes

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The desire of those whose hearts have been placed in me does not give rise to further desire, just as seed corn that has been boiled or fried does not give rise to seed.
Hear the truth from me, Rāma, you who have truth as your valour. You are the god Nārāyaņa, the blessed lord who carries four weapons; you are the boar with one tusk, the conquerer of all forces in the past and in the future…
For the lord Rudra is Time and Death, and the year is his bow, and therefore the Night of Doomsday for men was made the unwithering string of that bow. Vishņu, the blazing Agni, and Soma were the arrow, for this whole universe is made of Agni and Soma, and the universe is said to be made of Vishņu, and Vishņu is the soul of the lord Bhava of infinite energy.
The lord said, ‘Those evil ones who have offended you must be slain altogether. Kill all of these enemies with a half of my power and energy.’ The gods answered, ‘Great lord, we will not be able to bear a half of your energy. But with a half of all of our power, you must slay the enemy.’ The lord of gods granted their request and took half of the energy from all of them and became greater. Thenceforth Śaṅkara was known as the Great God.
Bhṛgu cursed Viṣņu for killing his wife, saying, ‘Since you who know dharma have slain a woman, who is not to be slain, therefore you will be born among men seven times.’ And because of this curse, Viṣņu is born among men here again and again for the sake of the welfare of the world when dharma is destroyed.
And so the sage has said, ‘You have not fought with anyone for a single day, nor do you have any enemy, O bountiful one. Your battles which they tell about are all magic illusion; you have fought no enemy today, nor in the past.’
The arbitrary nature of the distinction between gods and demons is emphasized by the circular logic of one early myth: Prajāpati makes the demons evil because they are evil, and he creates them out of darkness, but he then makes their substance into night.
There Madana saw the lord, like ten million suns, with a thousand eyes and a thousand bodies, the tall god with a blue neck, shining like ambrosia, adorned with a shining crescent moon, shining like pure crystal, like a smokeless fire, the god whose favour is the cause of the birth, destruction, and maintenance of the universe.
[Varuņa and the other gods:] ‘The pre-sacrifices and the post-sacrifices will be for you alone, the nourishing parts of the offering. This whole sacrifice will be for you, Agni; the four quarters of the sky will bow to you.’
Brahmā answered, ‘Any man who, deluded in his wits, thinks that the waters need not be respected and casts phlegm, urine, or excrement into you – this part of Brahminicide will immediately come to him and dwell in him ‘
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