Homo Ludens

Johan Huizinga

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83 Kişi


In Homo Ludens, Johan Huizinga defines play as the central activity in flourishing societies. He identifies five characteristics of play: it is free; it is not “ordinary” or “real” life; it is distinct from “ordinary” life both as to locality and duration; it creates order; it is connected with no material interest, and from it no profit can be gained. With cross-cultural examples from the humanities, business, and politics, Huizinga examines play in all its diverse guises—as it relates to language, law, war, knowledge, poetry, myth, philosophy, art, and much more. As he writes, “Civilization is, in its earliest phases, played. It does not come from play like a baby detaching itself from the womb: it arises in and as play, and never leaves it.” Starting with Plato, Huizinga traces the contribution of “man the player” through the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and early modern world. With an eye for our own times he writes: “In American politics [play] is even more evident. Long before the two-party system had reduced itself to two gigantic teams whose political differences were hardly discernible to an outsider, electioneering in America had developed into a kind of national sport.” With its remarkable historical sweep, Homo Ludens defines play for generations to come. “A fascinating account of ‘man the player’ and the contribution of play to civilization.”—Harper’s “A writer with a sharp and powerful intelligence, helped by a gift of expression and exposition which is very rare, Huizinga assembles and interprets one of the most fundamental elements of human culture: the instinct for play. Reading this volume, one suddenly discovers how profoundly the achievements in law, science, poverty, war, philosophy, and in the arts, are nourished by the instinct of play.”—Roger Caillois, editor of Diogenes
Tahmini Okuma Süresi: 6 sa. 34 dk.Sayfa Sayısı: 232Basım Tarihi: 2016Yayınevi: Angelico Press
ISBN: 9781621389996Dil: İngilizceFormat: Karton kapak

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Kadın% 47.1
Erkek% 52.9
0-12 Yaş
13-17 Yaş
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35-44 Yaş
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55-64 Yaş
65+ Yaş

Yazar Hakkında

Johan Huizinga
Johan HuizingaYazar · 3 kitap
Fizyoloji profesörü Dirk Huizinga'nın oğlu olarak Groningen'de doğdu. Annesi Jacoba Tonkens Johan'ın ölümünden iki yıl sonra öldü. Johan Huizinga Hint- Cermen dilleri öğrencisi oldu ve eğitimini 1895'te tamamladı. Daha sonra karşılaştırmalı dilbilim okudu. Sanskritçeye hakim oldu. Doktora tezinisoytarının Hint tiyatrosundaki yeri üzerine 1897'de yaptı. 1902'de orta çağ ve rönesans tarihine odaklandı. Şarkiyatçı olarak ders vermeye devam ederek 1905'te Genel tarih ve Hollanda tarihi alanında profesör oldu. 1942'ye kadar bu görevde kaldı. 1942'de Hollanda Almanlarca işgal edilince Almanları ciddi şekilde eleştirdi. 1930'larda Faşizme karşı durdu. Öldüğü tarihe kadar Nazi'lerce tecrit edildi. Arnhem'de öldü. Öldüğü tarihten birkaç hafta sonra da Nazi yönetimi sona erdi. Mezarı Oegstgeest'teki birıslahatçı kilisenin mezarlığındadır.