An Unexpected Guide to Human Nature and Happiness

How Adam Smith Can Change Your Life

Russell D. Roberts

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A forgotten book by one of history's greatest thinkers reveals the surprising connections between happiness, virtue, fame, and fortune. Adam Smith may have become the patron saint of capitalism after he penned his most famous work, The Wealth of Nations. But few people know that when it came to the behavior of individuals--the way we perceive ourselves, the way we treat others, and the decisions we make in pursuit of happiness--the Scottish philosopher had just as much to say. He developed his ideas on human nature in an epic, sprawling work titled The Theory of Moral Sentiments. Most economists have never read it, and for most of his life, Russ Roberts was no exception. But when he finally picked up the book by the founder of his field, he realized he'd stumbled upon what might be the greatest self-help book that almost no one has read. In How Adam Smith Can Change Your Life, Roberts examines Smith's forgotten masterpiece, and finds a treasure trove of timeless, practical wisdom. Smith's insights into human nature are just as relevant today as they were three hundred years ago. What does it take to be truly happy? Should we pursue fame and fortune or the respect of our friends and family? How can we make the world a better place? Smith's unexpected answers, framed within the rich context of current events, literature, history, and pop culture, are at once profound, counterintuitive, and highly entertaining.
Estimated Reading Time: 7 hrs. 42 min.Page Number: 272Publication Date: October 2015Publisher: Portfolio Publishing
ISBN: 9781591847953Country: United States of AmericaLanguage: EnglishFormat: Karton kapak

About the Author

Russell D. Roberts
Russell D. RobertsYazar · 6 books
George Mason Üniversitesi’nde ekonomi profesörüdür. New York Times ve Wall Street Journal’da yazmaktadır. Roberts özellikle ekonomist olmayanlara iktisat öğretmek üstüne çalışmaktadır. 1994 yılında yayınlanan ilk kitabı olan Tercih: Bir Serbest Ticaret ve Korumacılık Öyküsü, Business Week ve Financial Times tarafından iş dünyasıyla ilgili yılın en iyi kitaplarından biri olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Roberts, iktisadî içerikli fakat hikâye türünde bir eser olan Görünmez Kalp: Bir İktisadiyat Romanı adlı eserini 2001 yılında yayınlamıştır. Roberts’ın bu kitabı iktisat eğitimi almamış kişiler için, bir iktisat kitabı niteliğindedir. 2008 yılında Roberts’ın diğer romanı Her Şeyin Bedeli yayınlanmıştır. Yazar bu romanında kendiliğinden doğan düzen, fiyat sistemi ve kriz durumunda piyasa ekonomisi gibi belli başlı konulara değinmiştir. Bunların yanısıra, Roberts, ödüllü bir podcast programı olan EconTalk’un da sunucusudur.