Hüsn ü Aşk

Şeyh Galip

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8.9Out of 10
292 People · 72 Review
196 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 26 hours
Şeyh Galib’in mesnevi türünde yazdığı Hüsn ü aşk’ı Hüsn ve aşk arasındaki sevgiyi konu edinir. Başlarda gizli gizli görüşselerde ailelerinin kulağına gider… Aşk Hüsn ile evlenmek istese de, aile vuslatın sandığı kadar kolay bir şey olmadığını anlaması için Aşkı imtihana tâbi tutar. Kendisinden Kalp ülkesine gidip Kimyayı bulup getirmesini isterler. Yola koyulur ancak yolda çeşitli badireler atlatır Aşk nefsine yenilir başkasına aşık olur. Aşk Aşkı ararken aşkını yitirir. Yanlışını anlar ve geri döner. Özünde Şeyh Galib’in Hüsn ve Aşk, seven ve sevilen olarak tasvir ettiği kul ve Rabbi Kalp ülkesi ise Allah’ın mülkü olan gönüldür. Zannımca İstedikleri kimya gönüldeki Baki olana duyulan sevgidir. Ona ulaşıncaya kadar çeşitli belalar insanda hasıl olur. Tıpkı Aşkın nefsine yenilip aşık olması gibi. En sonunda Sinesindeki öze inip oranın kimyası keşfedene kadar. Kalbe inmedikçe içindekini göremezsin. Kalbin kimyası imanıdır… “ Şeyh Galib aşkı; ateşler denizinde mumdan kayıklara binmeye benzetir…” Son olarak gönül Allah’ın mülküdür. Şeyh Galib kendi döneminin en ağır ve en süslü kelimeleri kullanan Şairler arasındadır…
Hüsn ü Aşk
Hüsn ü AşkŞeyh Galip · Yason yayınları · 20121,303 okunma
464 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Hüsn ü Aşk tells the struggles of Aşk, that is, the dervish, to reach God, the ordeals he went through and had to go through, the sect method, etc. It appears as a masnavi that describes many events and situations. In this masnavi, where human love is explained in appearance, the subjects are generally spiritual walk, search for one's own self and divine love. Symbolic and Spiritual style of expression dominated the narration of the events. In the events described, many religious events from the past are reminded. (Joseph being thrown into the well, Jesus being crucified, etc.) Hüsn, reaching God; Love is symbolized as the dervish, and the Land of the Heart is symbolized as the heart that Love tries to reach. Detailed review: kisa.link/Qeum
Hüsn ü Aşk
Hüsn ü AşkŞeyh Galip · İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 20191,303 okunma
536 syf.
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Şeyh Galib ve Hüsnündeki Aşk
Hüsn ü Aşk "Gayret dedi Aşk’a ey birâder Gel yol eri yolda olmak ister" Besmele-Hamdele-Salvele.. Merhum Şeyh Galib Hazretlerini Rahmetle yâd edelim. Hamd ile salvele getirip evvala; Hazretin ruhuna bir Fatiha armağan edelim. Elimden geldiğince ve kalemim yettiğince, bu şaheseri terennüme ve dahi izaha yelteneceğim. Haddimiz ile
Hüsn-ü Aşk
Hüsn-ü AşkŞeyh Galip · Yelkenli Yayınevi · 20201,303 okunma
464 syf.
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Read in 3 days
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
There was a tribe among the Arabs; These tribal people had all the clean habits. This tribe, the head of the Arab tribes, which is the title of the Fütüvvet notebook, was the "Benî mahabbat - Sons of Love" tribe. But what tribe was it? Qibla of trouble; All its people were ill-fated and yellow-faced. What they wore was the July sun; What they drink is a flame that burns the world. Their valleys were sandy, broken from gum bottles; There was as much sadness and mourning in that valley as there were sands. Their tents were the smoke of deprivation; Their conversations were always wailing and wailing like the flute. Each of them was in love with a beauty; Their mouths were as bloody as swords. Their sustenance is the trouble that comes suddenly; Fire would rain down on them at any moment. In this tribe, two children are born on the same day. They name the girl "Hüsn" and the boy "Aşk". When Hüsn and Aşk grow up, they go to Mekteb-i Edeb and take lessons from Molla-yı Cünun. Aşk, who has loved Hüsn since a young age, wants to marry him. The elders of the tribe ask Aşk to prove his love. He too embarks on a painful journey full of difficulties. After many events and stages, Aşk meets Hüsn. I thought I would have difficulty understanding this beautiful masnavi of Şeyh Galib, but it is much more comprehensive than I ever expected. The work, written in its original language after a generous preface, has been translated into modern Turkish in prose form from the middle of the book. In this way, it provides ease of reading. The work ends with an extensive dictionary and explanation sections. It is a wonderful work that should be read by those who are interested in classical Eastern literature and divan poems and should have it in their library...
Hüsn ü Aşk
Hüsn ü AşkŞeyh Galip · İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 20191,303 okunma
431 syf.
Not rated
Hüsn ü Aşk'ın bahsini zaman zaman bazı yerlerde görüyor; ama boyumu fazlaca aşacağını düşündüğüm bir eser olduğu için okumaya yanaşamıyordum. Ama sonra denk geldik bu kitapla bir vesileyle. Bir şekilde okurum deyip aldım o gün. Aylar sonra da, koronavirüs salgınından dolayı eve kapanmışken, sırasıdır şimdi dedim, otur masa başına, oku bakalım. Bu
Hüsn ü Aşk
Hüsn ü AşkŞeyh Galip · İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 20191,303 okunma
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