İnsan Tanıma Kılavuzu

Murat Toktamışoğlu

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How can you recognize the person in front of you at a glance? Here are the tips on getting to know the other person from two authors who are experts on the subject… Now admit it, most of you are dying to analyze the personality of the other person. We make comments by looking at many features of the other person, from their appearance, clothing, speech, tone of voice, hair, eyebrows, eyes, handshake to sitting posture, in short, we try to read people. This seems incredibly interesting and enjoyable to us. However, it is not that easy to be completely successful in this analysis. If it were possible to analyze and read a person by looking at a few simple features, everyone would be a human reader, a human expert. Human is a complex being. It is an entity that is difficult to understand, define and predict within the trilogy of Emotion, Thought and Behavior. However, despite all this, you can get clues about people's possible ways of thinking and behaving based on some of their characteristics. Perhaps this book will be a start for you to read people and become a human judge. Or it will confirm some of the information you have on your way to becoming a human judge, remind you again, or provide you with new information. When you finish the book, you will learn about the key elements of communication, different personality types and their analysis, analyzing thoughts and behaviors from some anatomical features of the face, knowing that our body movements are not in vain and determining the emotions and thoughts based on movements, how to use the language patterns we use more effectively. You will learn that you can direct the attention of the people around you by using it. All you have to do is to apply it tirelessly and that's it... ATTENTION HUMAN!...
Estimated Reading Time: 7 hrs. 29 min.Page Number: 264Publication Date: April 2008Publisher: Pegasus Yayınları
ISBN: 6055943110Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

About the Author

Murat Toktamışoğlu
Murat ToktamışoğluYazar · 9 books
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Dr. is a graduate of Erciyes University Faculty of Medicine. Murat Toktamışoğlu is a management consultant, trainer and professional manager. He provides consultancy on leadership, ignition of team spirit, creativity, customer relations, total quality management, human resources management, organizational change and development management, emotional intelligence and face reading, training, gives conferences and seminars. 'Manager in Jeans', 'Bad' The Manager's Handbook', 'The Other Voice of the Mind', 'Success with Emotional Intelligence', 'What Do Our Faces Say?' ; and finally 'Order Yourself a New Life'. He has 5 books called.