A Neurosurgeon`s True Story of the Life - Changing Magic of Compassion and Mindfulness

Into the Magic Shop

James Doty

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The award-winning New York Times bestseller that inspired BTS's K-pop song 'Magic Shop'. The day that 12-year-old James Doty walked in to his local magic shop is the day that changed his life. Once the neglected son of an alcoholic father and a mother with chronic depression, he has gone on to become a leading neurosurgeon, based at Stanford University. He credits Ruth for this incredible turnaround: the remarkable woman he met at the Cactus Rabbit Magic Shop, who devoted the summer to transforming his mind and opening his heart. In this uplifting memoir, Jim explains the visualisation techniques Ruth taught him that gave him the self-esteem to imagine a new future for himself. He examines the science behind mindfulness and why the skills he learned - of focus and attention - now help him to think fast and keep calm in the operating theatre. And he shows us what is possible when you start to change your brain and your heart. Into the Magic Shop imparts some powerful life lessons about how to live better, and inspires us to believe that we all have inside us the capacity to change our own destiny. 'I'm sure many readers will be moved by this inspiring story to open their hearts and see what they too can do for others' - His Holiness the Dalai Lama
James Doty
James Doty
Estimated Reading Time: 8 hrs. 10 min.Page Number: 288Publication Date: February 2016Publisher: Yellow Kite
ISBN: 9781444786187Language: İngilizceFormat: Karton kapak

Book Statistics

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About the Author

James Doty
James DotyYazar · 1 books
James Doty, MD, Stanford Üniversitesi'nde Nöroşirurji Bölümü'nde Klinik Profesör ve Stanford Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi'nde Şefkat ve Ortaklık Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi Direktörü olarak görev yapıyor. Lisans eğitimini Tulane Üniversitesi'nde CA, Irvine Üniversitesi ve tıp fakültesinde tamamladı. Walter Reed Ordu Tıp Merkezi'nde nörocerrahi eğitimi aldı ve Philadelphia Çocuk Hastanesi'ndeki pediatrik nöroşirurjide (CHOP) ve nörolojik fonksiyonun bütünlüğünü değerlendirmek için uyarılmış potansiyellerin kullanılmasına odaklanmış nöroelektrofizyoloji bölümündeki arkadaşlık eğitimini tamamladı.