Data Bias in a World Designed for Men

Invisible Women

Caroline Criado Perez

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When in 2017 the first female head of London’s Fire Brigade, Dany Cotton, suggested that we should replace ‘fireman’ with the now standard (and let’s face it, much cooler) ‘firefighter’, she received a deluge of hate mail.
isterseniz biz gidelim, siz kalın burada tek
Numerous studies in a variety of languages over the past forty years have consistently found that what is called the ‘generic masculine’ (using words like ‘he’ in a gender-neutral way) is not in fact read generically.20 It is read overwhelmingly as male.
history = his story
The word ‘man’, she wrote, ‘is used in such an ambiguous fashion that it is impossible to decide whether it refers to males or to the human species in general’.
kadın savaşçıların var olduğunu gösteren kanıtlar:
‘Battle-scarred skeletons of multiple women have been found across the Eurasian steppes from Bulgaria to Mongolia’ wrote Natalie Haynes in the Guardian. For people such as the ancient Scythians, who fought on horseback with bows and arrows, there was no innate male warrior advantage, and DNA testing of skeletons buried with weapons in more than 1,000 Scythian burial mounds from Ukraine to Central Asia have revealed that up to 37% of Scythian women and girls were active warriors.
savaşçı diye direkt erkek demişler iskelete ama kadınmış.
For over a hundred years, a tenth-century Viking skeleton known as the ‘Birka warrior’ had – despite possessing an apparently female pelvis – been assumed to be male because it was buried alongside a full set of weapons and two sacrificed horses.11 These grave contents indicated that the occupant had been a warrior12 – and warrior meant male (archaeologists put the numerous references to female fighters in Viking lore down to ‘mythical embellishments’13). But although weapons apparently trump the pelvis when it comes to sex, they don’t trump DNA and in 2017 testing confirmed that these bones did indeed belong to a woman.
mağara resimlerinin çoğunu kadınlar yapmış :O
Cave paintings, for example, are often of game animals and so researchers have assumed they were done by men – the hunters. But new analysis of handprints that appear alongside such paintings in cave sites in France and Spain has suggested that the majority were actually done by women.
bu durumu hemen eşitlememiz lazım. Ben başlıyom şimdi
A thirty-year analysis of murder in Sweden found that nine out of ten murders are committed by men.
272 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
9 saatte okudu
Araşdırma kitablarının gözəl tərəfi hansısa mövzunu araşdırmasından daha çox, həmin mövzunu araşdırmaq istəyən insanlara ədəbiyyat siyahısı verməsidir. Bu kitabın təqdirəlayiq bir cəhəti isə müasir dövrdən bəhs etməsidir. Toxunduğu cəmiyyət problemləri də, istinad etdiyi mənbələr də həm müasir, həm də 21ci əsr insanının sadə reallıqlarıdır. Bu kitabı qadınlara aid, yaxud feminist deyə səciyyələndirməyəcəyəm, çünki bunu etmək belə fikrimcə ayrı-seçkilik olar. Bu kitab azlıqlar haqqındadır. Gizlənməyə, həzm etməyə, altruislik etməyə, görünməzdən gəlməyə məcbue edilmiş insanların haqqındadır.
Invisible Women
Invisible WomenCaroline Criado Perez · Harry N. Abrams · 201942 okunma
The quarrels of popes and kings, with wars and pestilences, in every page; the men so good for nothing and hardly any women at all – it is very tiresome. Jane Austen
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