Irksal Sözleşme

C. Wright Mills

Irksal Sözleşme Gönderileri

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O halde ırkçılığı bir anomaliymiş gibi, Avrupa Aydınlanması hümanizminden gizemli bir sapma olarak görmek -ki bu meseleye ileride yeniden değineceğim- esaslı bir yanılgı olacaktır. Daha ziyade fark edilmesi gereken, Roma'daki emsaline uygun düşen bir biçimde, Avrupa hümanizminin genellikle, sadece Avrupalıların insan olduğu anlamına gelmesidir.
Overall, then, colonialism "lies at the heart" of the rise of Europe. The economic unit of analysis needs to be Europe as a whole, since it is not always the case that the colonizing nations directly involved always benefited in the long term.
...Though there were local variations in the Racial Contract, depending on circumstances and the particular mode of exploitation, (...) it remains the case that the white tribe, as the global representative of civilization and modernity, is generally on top of the social pyramid.
...In keeping with the Roman prece­dent, European humanism usually meant that only Europeans were human. European moral and political theory, like Euro­pean thought in general, developed within the framework of the Racial Contract and, as a rule, took it for granted. As Edward Said points out in Culture and Imperialism, we must not see culture as "antiseptically quarantined from its worldly affiliations." But this occupational blindness has in fact in­fected most "professional humanists" (and certainly most phi­losophers), so that "as a result [they are] unable to make the connection between the prolonged and sordid cruelty of prac­tices such as slavery, colonialist and racial oppression, and imperial subjection on the one hand, and the poetry, fiction, philosophy of the society that engages in these practices on the other.
General purpose of the Contract is always the differential privileging of the whites as a group with respect to the nonwhites as a group, the exploitation of their bodies, land, and resources, and the denial of equal socioeconomic opportunities to them. All whites are beneficiaries of the Contract, though some whites are not signatories to it.
The "Racial Contract," is intended as a conceptual bridge between two areas now largely segregated from each other: on the one hand, the world of mainstream (i.e., white) ethics and political philosophy, preoccupied with discussions of justice and rights in the abstract, on the other hand, the world of Native American, African American, and Third and Fourth World political thought, historically focused on issues of conquest, imperialism, colonialism, white settlement, land rights, race and racism, slavery, jim crow, reparations, apart­heid, cultural authenticity, national identity, indigenismo, Af­rocentrism, etc. These issues hardly appear in mainstream political philosophy, but they have been central to the political struggles of the majority of the world's population.
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