Kalbimin Her Parçası

Amy Harmon

Kalbimin Her Parçası Quotes

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“I know it’s not something we’re supposed to say. We’re supposed to be all-loving and all-compassionate all the time. But sometimes the things we aren’t supposed to say are the truths that keep us sane, that tether us to reality, that help us move the hell on! But pressure—whether it’s the pressure of society, or the pressure of responsibility, or the pressure that comes with being loved and being needed—isn’t always a bad thing. You’ve heard the cliché about pressure and diamonds. It’s a cliché because it’s true. Pressure sometimes begets beautiful things.”
Sayfa 126
“The sadness never floats away. It’s heavy. It’s like a huge boulder. A mountain.” “Yeah. It is, isn’t it? Maybe we can roll it down a hill.”
Sayfa 185
I guess how we look doesn’t tell the whole story, does it?
“In the end, only three things matter,” Abuela said. “Who He is.” She pointed at the sky. “Who you are, and who your friends are.” “Why does it matter who your friends are?” “Our friends shape the course of our lives. You have to choose them very carefully. But if you know who He is, then He will help you know who you are. And if you know who you are, you will know who your true friends are. One thing leads to another, you see.”
Sayfa 91
But then love makes fools of everyone, doesn’t it?
"I'm numb because it's easier to be numb than to feel. Numb keeps me moving forward. Numb is functional. So I'm numb."
Sayfa 44