Tek Ciltte

Kalem Yapın Beni Kalem!...

Aziz Nesin

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Türk edebiyatının büyük ustalarından Aziz Nesin, hayatı boyunca, öyküden romana, denemeden eleştiriye, oyundan şiire hemen her türde, yeri doldurulamayacak yüzlerce yapıta imza attı. Türk mizahının en çarpıcı örneklerini vererek her kesimden, her yaştan geniş bir okur kitlesinin beğenisini kazandı. Nesin, aydın, üretken ve özgün bir yazar olduğu kadar, düşüncelerini eyleme dönüştüren, bedeli ne olursa olsun duruşundan ödün vermeyen bir aktivist olarak yaşadı. Ömrü boyunca aralıksız çalışarak elde ettiği varlığıyla Nesin Vakfı'nı kurdu. Vakıfta yoksul çocuklara sahip çıkarak, onların ezbere dayalı tek tip eğitim yerine, yeteneklerine göre yapıcı, kurucu, yaratıcı, üretici, dürüst, kendine güvenli, yardımsever bireyler olacak biçimde eğitilmelerini sağladı. Vakıf, Ali Nesin'in başkanlığında varlığını ve faaliyetlerini sürdürüyor. Everest Yayınları olarak, usta yazarın doğumunun 100. yılında Tek Ciltte seçkisiyle, eserlerinden örnekler vererek onu geniş kitlelere her yönüyle ve en doğru biçimde tanıtabilme amacı taşıyoruz. İyi ki doğdun Aziz Nesin… Kalem yapın beni kalem Şiirler yazan sevi üstüne Ölüm kararı değil Ölünce yaşamalıyım defne yapraklarında Sakın ola ki Silahlarda değil (Tanıtım Bülteninden)
Aziz Nesin
Aziz Nesin
Estimated Reading Time: 27 hrs. 12 min.Page Number: 960Publication Date: July 2015Publisher: Everest Yayınları
ISBN: 9786051419046Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

Book Statistics

Reader Profile of the Book

Kadın% 38.1
Erkek% 61.9
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25-34 Yaş
35-44 Yaş
45-54 Yaş
55-64 Yaş
65+ Yaş

About the Author

Aziz Nesin
Aziz NesinYazar · 190 books
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
He was born in Istanbul on December 20, 1915. He studied at Darüşşafaka High School for two years. He graduated from Kuleli Military High School. He graduated from the Military Academy and the Military Science School. While he was in the rank of first lieutenant, he was accused of "abusing his duties and authority". He was tried on charges and dismissed from the army. He worked as a grocery store for a while. Then he started journalism. He worked in Yedigün, Karagöz and Tan Newspapers. He published a tabloid called Cumhuriyet. Together with Sabahattin Ali, he published the humor magazines Marko Pasha, Malum Pasha, Late Pasha and Alibaba. In 1951, he opened a bookstore and then a photography studio. Since 1954, he wrote humor stories under pseudonyms in Akbaba humor magazine. He used over 100 pseudonyms throughout his life. He founded Düşün Publishing House with Kemal Tahir. He wrote columns in Yeni Gazete, Akşam and Taninde. His writing, Öncü, Yeni Tanin and "Razor" He continued his career in the Günaydın newspaper, where he also prepared a humorous supplement called. He published the humor magazine named Zübük in 1962. After his publishing house burned down in 1963, he only started writing. In 1972, he founded the Nesin Foundation, which aims to provide education for orphans in Çatalca. He donated all the income from his books to this foundation. Between 1976 and 1980, he published the Nesin Foundation Literature Yearbook, which gave literary awards in all branches. He served as the President of the Turkish Writers' Union for many years, to which he was elected in 1979. Aziz Nesin, who is among the leading names not only in Turkish literature but also in world humor literature, was constantly pressured by political powers due to his thoughts and writings, he was arrested, tried, exiled, and remained in prisons. He died on July 6, 1995. He reflects Turkish society in detail in his stories. He uses the main elements of folk literature in his narrative. He sometimes criticizes daily events and social disruptions with the theme of fairy tales and through humor. He is the author who developed contemporary humor writing techniques in Turkish literature and paved the way for the birth of young humor writers.